Come Play With Me Abigail
Horror Stories - Come Play With Me Abigail
A little girl named Abigail who lived in Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States killed sadistic in the 1800s. Her father was a fisherman and often leave home for some time. Abigail then never have a good relationship with her mother.
When her father make things go bad, her mother getting hurt. Abigail always worry when her father left because she afraid of what can be done by her mother. A few years passed, one day her fears come true when her father did not return from their fishing trip.
Abigail's mother then blame the poor girl because her father did not return and vent all her anger on her. One night, the hatred is so great, she stabbed and killed the little girl. According to the legend, now if you're standing in front of the house and said:
"Abigail, came out to play with me..."
You'll see a figure little girl standing at the window staring out to sea where the ships were never brought her father come home.
When her father make things go bad, her mother getting hurt. Abigail always worry when her father left because she afraid of what can be done by her mother. A few years passed, one day her fears come true when her father did not return from their fishing trip.
Abigail's mother then blame the poor girl because her father did not return and vent all her anger on her. One night, the hatred is so great, she stabbed and killed the little girl. According to the legend, now if you're standing in front of the house and said:
"Abigail, came out to play with me..."
You'll see a figure little girl standing at the window staring out to sea where the ships were never brought her father come home.