Dead End
Horror Stories - Dead End
I screamed. Algebra two was just so frustrating, I didn't understand how anyone could do it. I threw my books onto the floor and slammed my door behind me as I left my room. My fists were clenched together tightly, making my knuckles a ghost white. You could hear me stomping down the carpeted stairs throughout the whole house. I took deep breathes as I entered the kitchen and took a water out of the fridge. When I took a peek through the blinds, it hadn't started raining quit yet, but the sky was a dark grey. Everything was gloomy. The trees were shriveled up and dormant. Black, dead leaves were scattered over the grey, dead grass that were the landscape of everyone in towns' lawns.
I thought to myself, since it wasn't raining yet, that maybe I'd go for a walk. To cool off, get some fresh air, a break of the hell that was called Algebra two. I threw on my sweatshirt and was out the door. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pockets. I flinched for a second before fully grasping my smart phone. It was freezing cold, like a chip of ice from the arctic. I bumbled with it in my hands trying not to let my hands go numb from the how cold it was.
The text had been from my best friend Natalie. She had asked if I wanted to hang out with her.
Me: Sure, what do you wanna do?
Natalie: I don't know. What do you wanna do?
Me: Maybe we could run by the cafe' and just get a warm cup of coffee.
Natalie: Sounds like fun. Meet me at my house Marissa.
Me: Okay see you then.
I typed in the last few letters and put the cold phone back in my back pocket. Suddenly a huge gust of wind came blowing at me and it sent shivers down my spine. Even after it had passed, the coldness lingered in my body. My teeth chattered as I made my way down Natalie's street.
Natalie and I dispersed from the crowded, but exceptionally warm cafe', and into the frosty air. Both of our arms came shooting up around us instantly, in this town it was a natural reflex. We were just about to start our thirty-minute struggle home when Natalie started to turn off into the wrong direction.
"Natalie!" I called to her. "What are you doing?"
"Taking a short cut," Natalie replied.
"What short cut?" I asked, dumbfounded.
She began to approach me, "I think I know a way home that won't take as long."
"You think?"
"I've never actually used this way before," Natalie confessed, "but I believe that it will get us home quicker.
I looked down the narrow road and didn't see any options other than walking in the cold when it looks like it was gonna rain, alone, or walking in the cold when it looks like it was gonna rain with my best friend.
"Show the way," I exclaimed.
We were lost. Natalie had been wrong, wherever she thought she was going didn't lead to either one of our houses, it didn't lead to any to exact. We walked down a dark and dingy road, it was even more gloomy than the rest of the neighborhood. The trees were blacker and even more dead. The sky, you couldn't even see the sky because the trees black branches were blocking it from sight. The road was paved but the pavement was cracked over every single square inch. I had never been down this road before and neither had Natalie, we had no clue how to find our way home.
Then, something buzzed. It came from right behind me and both me and Natalie jumped away from it. Then another buzz came from behind me again. Then it came to me. My phone was buzzing, I had gotten a text. I ripped the phone from my pocket. It was my mother.
Mom: CALL ME!!
My phone began to ring. It was my mother.
"Hello," I announced, starting to walk forward again. Natalie followed.
"Marissa! Where the hell are you?" My mother cussed.
"I went for a walk with Natalie," I explained. "And n-"
My mother had cut me off, "You scared the crap out of me. Your floor is flooded with papers, I thought something had happened to you."
"Oh. I'm so-"
"Next time, you call me before leaving the house," she demanded. "Do you hear me?"
"Yes, I hear you loud and clear."
"What time do you think you'll be home?" My mother was beginning to calm down.
"I don't know."
"Why not?"
"Natalie and I kind of got lost," I explained.
"What!" She started to scream again. "How the hell did that happen?"
"We thought there was a shorter way to get home but apparently it was a faster way to get lost. Sorry mom."
"It's okay. Just tell-" my mom's voiced went out mid sentence.
I removed the ice cube (my phone) from my ear. The line was dead. No signal. I tried walking backwards and forwards and jumping. The signal was not coming back. Natalie and I continued down the road until she noticed something. It was an old, eerie, and giant house.
"We should go ask for help," Natalie suggested.
I agreed. We started near the house when I heard a branch break from behind us. I turned to look but nothing was there. When I turned back to Natalie, she hadn't even noticed. I told myself that it must've been a squirrel. Then a crow cawed. Then I even started to believe it could've just been a crow. I continued following Natalie up to the house.
We were out of the trees and almost to the house. I began to examine the house and it's features. The wood siding was all rotted and covered in roots. The windows were cracked and the glass was rusty and stained. Crows were flying around it, letting me know that the place was probably crawling with wild life. Then I began to examine what was behind the windows. In the room to the top right of the house I could see an old and damaged grandfather clock. Through the window next to it I could see a bed and a dresser with a mirror atop of it, but that's all the rooms I could make out. As we approached the house even more I began to examine the outside. The grass was grey like the rest of the towns and the house was surrounded by even more dead trees. I then noticed two rocking chairs sitting on the almost root covered porch. Then I noticed one of them rock. My eyes widened and suddenly, something hard jabbed into my stomach.
I winced and pain and looked down to see what it was. It was a medal mail box with the name "Johnson" on it. I rubbed my stomach and Natalie asked to see if I was okay. I told her that my stomach was fine.
"Yeah, I am," I informed her. "But I don't think anybody lives there."
"Why not?" She asked, like she hadn't been paying attention to the condition the house was in.
"Do you see that house?" I asked sarcastically.
"Yeah, but they probably just have a poor landscaper and housekeeper."
"Or they died years ago."
Right when I said that, a black smudge ran past us and left a gust of freezing wind going down my spine. I shivered and my teeth began to chatter like earlier. I gasped, holding onto the mailbox for support. The black figure started coming back. Natalie still hadn't noticed though. I grabbed onto her wrist and began to sprint towards the tree tunnel.
"We gotta go!" I exclaimed, not giving any reasoning behind it.
Natalie tried to fight from my grasp and kept begging for me to tell her why, but I couldn't. We were almost there when the creature grabbed onto Natalie's hair and pulled her away from me. She screamed as it dragged her back to the house. I reached back for her, but didn't stop running. There was no way I could save her.
I entered the darkness. I couldn't see the shadow coming. I didn't stop I continued down the never ending abyss, and then I heard another branch break. I turned to where it had come from and stopped in my path. Another branch broke from the same spot. Another and another, until something dispersed from the eerie trees.
A bruised, dirty, and aching Natalie fell to the ground, clenching onto her leg. I heard a screech come from the darkest part of the tunnel. It was in the tunnel with us. I looked back to her. Her eyes were clenched together in pain and she was begging for my help. I grabbed onto her and threw her arm over my shoulder. With Natalie at my side, I began running toward the outside. It was raining. Raining seriously hard. We were just about to exit when Natalie stopped and stood in place. I tried to drag her out but she kept shaking her head through the sobs. I tugged on her really hard but she was like a statue.
Than something sharp dug it's claw like nails into my side. I looked down to my side and blood was leaking from my hip. I gasped and looked up to Natalie, who's misshapen hand was in my side. Her eyes were pitch black and her teeth were a grim yellow. It wasn't Natalie. She then morphed into the dark figure that had been chasing us just minutes before.
The figure removed it's claws from my side and screeched in my face. I fell to the ground, hand at my side, and I crawled away backwards. The figure leaned out of the tunnel but shrieked in pain just as it did. The rain was hurting it. It continued to shriek and I clenched my one hand and right shoulder to my ears to drowned out the sound. I closed my eyes in pain as the shrieks filled my ears no matter what I did to block out the sounds. The shrieks began to disappear.
I slowly opened my eyes, hoping that the creature wouldn't jump scare me, and when I did there was only a black puddle where the creature had been. I got up and hoped waddled around the puddle. I would have to walk forever just to get out of the tunnel made of trees. I took my first step down the tunnel and the creatures hand popped out of the puddle and dragged me in with it.
I thought to myself, since it wasn't raining yet, that maybe I'd go for a walk. To cool off, get some fresh air, a break of the hell that was called Algebra two. I threw on my sweatshirt and was out the door. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pockets. I flinched for a second before fully grasping my smart phone. It was freezing cold, like a chip of ice from the arctic. I bumbled with it in my hands trying not to let my hands go numb from the how cold it was.
The text had been from my best friend Natalie. She had asked if I wanted to hang out with her.
Me: Sure, what do you wanna do?
Natalie: I don't know. What do you wanna do?
Me: Maybe we could run by the cafe' and just get a warm cup of coffee.
Natalie: Sounds like fun. Meet me at my house Marissa.
Me: Okay see you then.
I typed in the last few letters and put the cold phone back in my back pocket. Suddenly a huge gust of wind came blowing at me and it sent shivers down my spine. Even after it had passed, the coldness lingered in my body. My teeth chattered as I made my way down Natalie's street.
Natalie and I dispersed from the crowded, but exceptionally warm cafe', and into the frosty air. Both of our arms came shooting up around us instantly, in this town it was a natural reflex. We were just about to start our thirty-minute struggle home when Natalie started to turn off into the wrong direction.
"Natalie!" I called to her. "What are you doing?"
"Taking a short cut," Natalie replied.
"What short cut?" I asked, dumbfounded.
She began to approach me, "I think I know a way home that won't take as long."
"You think?"
"I've never actually used this way before," Natalie confessed, "but I believe that it will get us home quicker.
I looked down the narrow road and didn't see any options other than walking in the cold when it looks like it was gonna rain, alone, or walking in the cold when it looks like it was gonna rain with my best friend.
"Show the way," I exclaimed.
We were lost. Natalie had been wrong, wherever she thought she was going didn't lead to either one of our houses, it didn't lead to any to exact. We walked down a dark and dingy road, it was even more gloomy than the rest of the neighborhood. The trees were blacker and even more dead. The sky, you couldn't even see the sky because the trees black branches were blocking it from sight. The road was paved but the pavement was cracked over every single square inch. I had never been down this road before and neither had Natalie, we had no clue how to find our way home.
Then, something buzzed. It came from right behind me and both me and Natalie jumped away from it. Then another buzz came from behind me again. Then it came to me. My phone was buzzing, I had gotten a text. I ripped the phone from my pocket. It was my mother.
Mom: CALL ME!!
My phone began to ring. It was my mother.
"Hello," I announced, starting to walk forward again. Natalie followed.
"Marissa! Where the hell are you?" My mother cussed.
"I went for a walk with Natalie," I explained. "And n-"
My mother had cut me off, "You scared the crap out of me. Your floor is flooded with papers, I thought something had happened to you."
"Oh. I'm so-"
"Next time, you call me before leaving the house," she demanded. "Do you hear me?"
"Yes, I hear you loud and clear."
"What time do you think you'll be home?" My mother was beginning to calm down.
"I don't know."
"Why not?"
"Natalie and I kind of got lost," I explained.
"What!" She started to scream again. "How the hell did that happen?"
"We thought there was a shorter way to get home but apparently it was a faster way to get lost. Sorry mom."
"It's okay. Just tell-" my mom's voiced went out mid sentence.
I removed the ice cube (my phone) from my ear. The line was dead. No signal. I tried walking backwards and forwards and jumping. The signal was not coming back. Natalie and I continued down the road until she noticed something. It was an old, eerie, and giant house.
"We should go ask for help," Natalie suggested.
I agreed. We started near the house when I heard a branch break from behind us. I turned to look but nothing was there. When I turned back to Natalie, she hadn't even noticed. I told myself that it must've been a squirrel. Then a crow cawed. Then I even started to believe it could've just been a crow. I continued following Natalie up to the house.
We were out of the trees and almost to the house. I began to examine the house and it's features. The wood siding was all rotted and covered in roots. The windows were cracked and the glass was rusty and stained. Crows were flying around it, letting me know that the place was probably crawling with wild life. Then I began to examine what was behind the windows. In the room to the top right of the house I could see an old and damaged grandfather clock. Through the window next to it I could see a bed and a dresser with a mirror atop of it, but that's all the rooms I could make out. As we approached the house even more I began to examine the outside. The grass was grey like the rest of the towns and the house was surrounded by even more dead trees. I then noticed two rocking chairs sitting on the almost root covered porch. Then I noticed one of them rock. My eyes widened and suddenly, something hard jabbed into my stomach.
I winced and pain and looked down to see what it was. It was a medal mail box with the name "Johnson" on it. I rubbed my stomach and Natalie asked to see if I was okay. I told her that my stomach was fine.
"Yeah, I am," I informed her. "But I don't think anybody lives there."
"Why not?" She asked, like she hadn't been paying attention to the condition the house was in.
"Do you see that house?" I asked sarcastically.
"Yeah, but they probably just have a poor landscaper and housekeeper."
"Or they died years ago."
Right when I said that, a black smudge ran past us and left a gust of freezing wind going down my spine. I shivered and my teeth began to chatter like earlier. I gasped, holding onto the mailbox for support. The black figure started coming back. Natalie still hadn't noticed though. I grabbed onto her wrist and began to sprint towards the tree tunnel.
"We gotta go!" I exclaimed, not giving any reasoning behind it.
Natalie tried to fight from my grasp and kept begging for me to tell her why, but I couldn't. We were almost there when the creature grabbed onto Natalie's hair and pulled her away from me. She screamed as it dragged her back to the house. I reached back for her, but didn't stop running. There was no way I could save her.
I entered the darkness. I couldn't see the shadow coming. I didn't stop I continued down the never ending abyss, and then I heard another branch break. I turned to where it had come from and stopped in my path. Another branch broke from the same spot. Another and another, until something dispersed from the eerie trees.
A bruised, dirty, and aching Natalie fell to the ground, clenching onto her leg. I heard a screech come from the darkest part of the tunnel. It was in the tunnel with us. I looked back to her. Her eyes were clenched together in pain and she was begging for my help. I grabbed onto her and threw her arm over my shoulder. With Natalie at my side, I began running toward the outside. It was raining. Raining seriously hard. We were just about to exit when Natalie stopped and stood in place. I tried to drag her out but she kept shaking her head through the sobs. I tugged on her really hard but she was like a statue.
Than something sharp dug it's claw like nails into my side. I looked down to my side and blood was leaking from my hip. I gasped and looked up to Natalie, who's misshapen hand was in my side. Her eyes were pitch black and her teeth were a grim yellow. It wasn't Natalie. She then morphed into the dark figure that had been chasing us just minutes before.
The figure removed it's claws from my side and screeched in my face. I fell to the ground, hand at my side, and I crawled away backwards. The figure leaned out of the tunnel but shrieked in pain just as it did. The rain was hurting it. It continued to shriek and I clenched my one hand and right shoulder to my ears to drowned out the sound. I closed my eyes in pain as the shrieks filled my ears no matter what I did to block out the sounds. The shrieks began to disappear.
I slowly opened my eyes, hoping that the creature wouldn't jump scare me, and when I did there was only a black puddle where the creature had been. I got up and hoped waddled around the puddle. I would have to walk forever just to get out of the tunnel made of trees. I took my first step down the tunnel and the creatures hand popped out of the puddle and dragged me in with it.