Among Us
Horror Stories - Among Us
1:45am - The light beamed above me, I could only see two shadowy figures appearing out of thin air in front of me, thanks to the bright light blinding me. The figures tried to get closer to me and I tried to get away, but before they could, my feet began to lift from the ground and I rose into the mysterious but unsettling light coming from up above. I screamed as I floated upwards non-stop.
My eyes broke open and I panted, trying to catch my breath as I sweated from my allusive dream. I had no clue how I was sweating. I could see from the moonlight coming from my bedroom window that my blankets were kicked onto the floor. I was shivering. My dream wasn't actually that scary. I was beginning to catch my breath when I coughed, and noticed that my throat was super dry and sore. I went to stand up to get a drink, but fell back onto my bed, cringing in pain. My foot stung as I fell onto my bed. I bit my lip and began examining my right foot - preferred foot - in the dark.
Even though it was fairly dark and I had to squint in order to see anything, I soon noticed a bandage wrapped around my foot. The bandage was tan but with dark stains on it. As I brought my foot closer to my face in order to examine it better in the dark, my nose could make out a dark iron smell. Blood! I quickly poked the bandage to see if any of the blood would come off on my hand but thankfully it had crusted up and hadn't ruined my white sheets.
I tried standing up, avoiding the spot where it hurt the most to walk on. What had I done in my sleep that could make me bleed that much? Who had bandaged up my foot? What was the dream I had just had and what did it mean? I coughed once again and left my bedroom.
I slammed the front door behind me and dropped my cement back-pack to the kitchen table and disposed of my house keys. My fathers car hadn't been out front which meant I had the whole house to myself for the next few hours. It was the beginning of the weekend, which meant I could start my World History homework later. I plummeted down I tot eh couch with a thump and started clicking through the channels, but no matter what channel I found they were all freeze framing and glitching. I scoffed and shut down the t.v. I guess I had nothing to do but homework.
6:45pm - My phone dinged and my eyes rose from the text book for the first time in hours. I checked my phone to read what the text was. It read: Gonna be stuck at work all night kiddo. Sorry. Go buy yourself some dinner, I'll pay you back tomorrow. Love ya Maddie! My father then added a heart emoticon. I rolled my eyes, not surprised my father would be stuck at work late, like usual. I began texting back the words, I love you but my phone then began flickering and freezing until the screen just went black.
Did my phone just die? I thought, but soon came to the realization that it was plugged into the charger. Them the lights began to flicker, one second it was pitch black and I couldn't make out a thing, the next my eyes were burning from the brightness of the lights. It being totally dark outside didn't help.
The lights stopped flickering and the moonlight was my only light source. A sound like furniture moving came from upstairs and I stood up confused and in pain as I stood up on my hurting foot. I then realized my room was just above the kitchen. The sound of glass shuffling then came from the living room, just a wall opening away. My head jerked in its direction and my heart thudding filled my ears.
"Hello!" I called out into the darkness. "Who's there?!"
Then a distinct whisper came from the living room. I inched closer and closer and noticed I was passing he knives. I yanked one out of the knife holder and swallowed a great big ball of spit. My lips quivered as I peeked around the corner to see two shadows with glowing eyes standing in the moonlight conversing. I screamed and the lights were back on; the figures were gone.
7:03pm - I had to get out of the house, my dreams were starting to become hallucinations. Was I seriously going crazy! I decided to conclude all of the thoughts about what had just occurred, for now. I was taking deep breaths and long strides as I marched down the block to Burger Bros, a fast food restaurant. My footprints were the only sound besides the passing cars every so often.
Burger Bros. was in my view and I was really craving a Jumbo Bro Burger and three sets of salty, grease bathed fries. My stomach rumbled and my breathing started to calm down. I closed my eyes and tried to clear the last few thoughts out of my brain when the darkness of my closed eyes started turning blew.
I didn't understand. Another thing I didn't understand! That was, until a car horn honked and someone told me to move and that I was a female dog. My eyes shot open and beaming headlights were in my face. My eyes were trying to adjust and take in the details around me when I noticed what the headlights reminded me of. The eyes... I screamed and ran off in the complete opposite direction of Burger Bros. The direction I ran in was much darker, colder, and had more trees.
7:29pm - I began to slow down as my lungs were grasping for a pint of air. My breathing was heavy, sucking in each but of oxygen loudly and my feet were crushing dead leaves beneath me. I had no clue of finding out, but I was most definite my face was blood red. I coughed again, now starting to wonder if I had allergies. My vision started to come back and my breathing began steadying and I came to the realization that I was lost.
Lost in the woods. I pulled out my cell phone to see if it would work now. The screen came on and everything seemed normal so I went to go make an emergency call when I made the recollection that I had no cellular service. I scoffed and thrust my phone to the ground, a tiny shatter trailing behind. I squealed as I realized what I had done. I got on my knees and examined the shattered screen, which would no longer turn on. I hopped up and stomped on it in anger, tears raging from my eyes. The phone was now just a few pieces of glass and plastic with wires spreader throughout it strangely. I had no way of contacting anyone now, I was screwed.
Then I heard a rustle come from one of the many pine trees surrounding me, but I couldn't make out which one until I found the only shaking pine tree. I may have been curious but I was going through a lot in so much time, it was a large amount of stuff to process. So, I ran in the opposite direction... again. My foot may of been hurting even more now, and may of been a little wet - with blood - but my fear was overcoming any obstacle. I turned and noticed two figures running at me.
Were they the same damn figures as before?! We're they following me?! I thought, my brain running to all directions on a compass. Screams of anguish we're running through my head as a huge migraine began to find its way inside me. I was beginning to slow and the dark and mysterious strangers were gaining up on me. I tried picking up the pace but it was not an option. I was out of breath and exhausted. I steadied to a walk and turned to face my followers. I pleaded for them not to hurt me, whatever they were.
Then everything began to seem familiar, except the strangers didn't remind me of who I had seen in my house before but who I'd seen somewhere else. I just couldn't remember where though. I had so many thoughts, questions, and everything ever going on in my brain that I just froze. Then I bright beam shot from above and I remembered what was happening. My dream was coming true.
8:56am - "Maddie?" My father whispered. "Maddox, wake up sweet heart. Are you awake?" My eyes began to flutter open to see my father. He had a sack of ice in one hand and his other hand was holding a glass of cold water. I could tell from the condensation forming on the outside of the cup. "Where am I? What happened? What's going on? Wh-" I began to hyperventilate but my father put the water to my lips and showed my eyes to a platter of breakfast foods.
He began shoving the bacon, eggs, and many other foods down my throat, not answering any of my questions. Father finally began to calm down and say in the chair at the edge of my bed. I layer back and just looked around my room, looking for something that could take my mind off my questions. Then I remembered something. A dream. Then a bloody bandage, a text from my father, flickering lights, shadowy figures, the woods, and a bright light.
My eyes finally found something even though already a million more thoughts were added to the pile. I found a picture frame of me and my father. I examined it, every detail, feature. My dads smile, nose, and blue eyes. I froze and turned to my father watching me, smiling with his white eyes. I gulped sat up and noticed that there was no light coming from my window, because now there was none. I began to hyperventilate again and my father ran up to me.
"Calm down dear, calm down!" He whispered calmly.
I completely ignored him and asked, "Where the hell am I?! Who the hell are you?! What the hell are you?! What's going o-" A syringe was stabbed into my neck by my fake father and he yelled, "Test subject number two-thousand, eight-hundred and ninety-seven has failed in eleven hours and thirty-two minutes. Time of death at eight fifty," slight pause. Everything then became blank but I was still able to faintly hear, "Eight-fifty-nine a.m."
My eyes broke open and I panted, trying to catch my breath as I sweated from my allusive dream. I had no clue how I was sweating. I could see from the moonlight coming from my bedroom window that my blankets were kicked onto the floor. I was shivering. My dream wasn't actually that scary. I was beginning to catch my breath when I coughed, and noticed that my throat was super dry and sore. I went to stand up to get a drink, but fell back onto my bed, cringing in pain. My foot stung as I fell onto my bed. I bit my lip and began examining my right foot - preferred foot - in the dark.
Even though it was fairly dark and I had to squint in order to see anything, I soon noticed a bandage wrapped around my foot. The bandage was tan but with dark stains on it. As I brought my foot closer to my face in order to examine it better in the dark, my nose could make out a dark iron smell. Blood! I quickly poked the bandage to see if any of the blood would come off on my hand but thankfully it had crusted up and hadn't ruined my white sheets.
I tried standing up, avoiding the spot where it hurt the most to walk on. What had I done in my sleep that could make me bleed that much? Who had bandaged up my foot? What was the dream I had just had and what did it mean? I coughed once again and left my bedroom.
I slammed the front door behind me and dropped my cement back-pack to the kitchen table and disposed of my house keys. My fathers car hadn't been out front which meant I had the whole house to myself for the next few hours. It was the beginning of the weekend, which meant I could start my World History homework later. I plummeted down I tot eh couch with a thump and started clicking through the channels, but no matter what channel I found they were all freeze framing and glitching. I scoffed and shut down the t.v. I guess I had nothing to do but homework.
6:45pm - My phone dinged and my eyes rose from the text book for the first time in hours. I checked my phone to read what the text was. It read: Gonna be stuck at work all night kiddo. Sorry. Go buy yourself some dinner, I'll pay you back tomorrow. Love ya Maddie! My father then added a heart emoticon. I rolled my eyes, not surprised my father would be stuck at work late, like usual. I began texting back the words, I love you but my phone then began flickering and freezing until the screen just went black.
Did my phone just die? I thought, but soon came to the realization that it was plugged into the charger. Them the lights began to flicker, one second it was pitch black and I couldn't make out a thing, the next my eyes were burning from the brightness of the lights. It being totally dark outside didn't help.
The lights stopped flickering and the moonlight was my only light source. A sound like furniture moving came from upstairs and I stood up confused and in pain as I stood up on my hurting foot. I then realized my room was just above the kitchen. The sound of glass shuffling then came from the living room, just a wall opening away. My head jerked in its direction and my heart thudding filled my ears.
"Hello!" I called out into the darkness. "Who's there?!"
Then a distinct whisper came from the living room. I inched closer and closer and noticed I was passing he knives. I yanked one out of the knife holder and swallowed a great big ball of spit. My lips quivered as I peeked around the corner to see two shadows with glowing eyes standing in the moonlight conversing. I screamed and the lights were back on; the figures were gone.
7:03pm - I had to get out of the house, my dreams were starting to become hallucinations. Was I seriously going crazy! I decided to conclude all of the thoughts about what had just occurred, for now. I was taking deep breaths and long strides as I marched down the block to Burger Bros, a fast food restaurant. My footprints were the only sound besides the passing cars every so often.
Burger Bros. was in my view and I was really craving a Jumbo Bro Burger and three sets of salty, grease bathed fries. My stomach rumbled and my breathing started to calm down. I closed my eyes and tried to clear the last few thoughts out of my brain when the darkness of my closed eyes started turning blew.
I didn't understand. Another thing I didn't understand! That was, until a car horn honked and someone told me to move and that I was a female dog. My eyes shot open and beaming headlights were in my face. My eyes were trying to adjust and take in the details around me when I noticed what the headlights reminded me of. The eyes... I screamed and ran off in the complete opposite direction of Burger Bros. The direction I ran in was much darker, colder, and had more trees.
7:29pm - I began to slow down as my lungs were grasping for a pint of air. My breathing was heavy, sucking in each but of oxygen loudly and my feet were crushing dead leaves beneath me. I had no clue of finding out, but I was most definite my face was blood red. I coughed again, now starting to wonder if I had allergies. My vision started to come back and my breathing began steadying and I came to the realization that I was lost.
Lost in the woods. I pulled out my cell phone to see if it would work now. The screen came on and everything seemed normal so I went to go make an emergency call when I made the recollection that I had no cellular service. I scoffed and thrust my phone to the ground, a tiny shatter trailing behind. I squealed as I realized what I had done. I got on my knees and examined the shattered screen, which would no longer turn on. I hopped up and stomped on it in anger, tears raging from my eyes. The phone was now just a few pieces of glass and plastic with wires spreader throughout it strangely. I had no way of contacting anyone now, I was screwed.
Then I heard a rustle come from one of the many pine trees surrounding me, but I couldn't make out which one until I found the only shaking pine tree. I may have been curious but I was going through a lot in so much time, it was a large amount of stuff to process. So, I ran in the opposite direction... again. My foot may of been hurting even more now, and may of been a little wet - with blood - but my fear was overcoming any obstacle. I turned and noticed two figures running at me.
Were they the same damn figures as before?! We're they following me?! I thought, my brain running to all directions on a compass. Screams of anguish we're running through my head as a huge migraine began to find its way inside me. I was beginning to slow and the dark and mysterious strangers were gaining up on me. I tried picking up the pace but it was not an option. I was out of breath and exhausted. I steadied to a walk and turned to face my followers. I pleaded for them not to hurt me, whatever they were.
Then everything began to seem familiar, except the strangers didn't remind me of who I had seen in my house before but who I'd seen somewhere else. I just couldn't remember where though. I had so many thoughts, questions, and everything ever going on in my brain that I just froze. Then I bright beam shot from above and I remembered what was happening. My dream was coming true.
8:56am - "Maddie?" My father whispered. "Maddox, wake up sweet heart. Are you awake?" My eyes began to flutter open to see my father. He had a sack of ice in one hand and his other hand was holding a glass of cold water. I could tell from the condensation forming on the outside of the cup. "Where am I? What happened? What's going on? Wh-" I began to hyperventilate but my father put the water to my lips and showed my eyes to a platter of breakfast foods.
He began shoving the bacon, eggs, and many other foods down my throat, not answering any of my questions. Father finally began to calm down and say in the chair at the edge of my bed. I layer back and just looked around my room, looking for something that could take my mind off my questions. Then I remembered something. A dream. Then a bloody bandage, a text from my father, flickering lights, shadowy figures, the woods, and a bright light.
My eyes finally found something even though already a million more thoughts were added to the pile. I found a picture frame of me and my father. I examined it, every detail, feature. My dads smile, nose, and blue eyes. I froze and turned to my father watching me, smiling with his white eyes. I gulped sat up and noticed that there was no light coming from my window, because now there was none. I began to hyperventilate again and my father ran up to me.
"Calm down dear, calm down!" He whispered calmly.
I completely ignored him and asked, "Where the hell am I?! Who the hell are you?! What the hell are you?! What's going o-" A syringe was stabbed into my neck by my fake father and he yelled, "Test subject number two-thousand, eight-hundred and ninety-seven has failed in eleven hours and thirty-two minutes. Time of death at eight fifty," slight pause. Everything then became blank but I was still able to faintly hear, "Eight-fifty-nine a.m."