Pennsylvania Clownman Killer
Horror Stories - Pennsylvania Clownman Killer
I lived right outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a teenager, in a poor little town called Swissvale. The next communities over were Rankin and Braddock, which were plagued with poverty. A strip of woods, lined by a train track, followed the river upon which our communities resided. Right next to the river loomed the decrepit abandoned steel mill I believe was once called Carrie Furnace.
As teenagers do, my friends and I used to cut through the park, across the tracks, and to the river to drink, smoke pot, and hang out. Eventually, we started exploring the steel mill. I loved it. The graffiti and sculptural artists, the wildlife that randomly took over, the bums who made it home - it all made for a worthwhile adventure. I became comfortable there.
Then my friends told me about an abduction of a teenager whose bloodied body ended up on some city steps. The killer was Clownman, an insane man who dressed as a clown with a horrid, bloodstained mask. One friend told me: "He lives in the woods and in the steel mill. He walks the tracks with a butcher knife he's never bothered to clean. Don't come here alone."
I got into a fight with a boyfriend one night and stubbornly decided to walk alone from the river - across the tracks, and through the woods. I got to the tracks, turned and looked at the steel mill. Further down the tracks, I saw a figure. I couldn't see a face, but the baggy pants were rather clown-like. I ran like you wouldn't believe. I've never felt fear like that before. It was probably a bum. But who takes chances with an urban legend like that?
As teenagers do, my friends and I used to cut through the park, across the tracks, and to the river to drink, smoke pot, and hang out. Eventually, we started exploring the steel mill. I loved it. The graffiti and sculptural artists, the wildlife that randomly took over, the bums who made it home - it all made for a worthwhile adventure. I became comfortable there.
Then my friends told me about an abduction of a teenager whose bloodied body ended up on some city steps. The killer was Clownman, an insane man who dressed as a clown with a horrid, bloodstained mask. One friend told me: "He lives in the woods and in the steel mill. He walks the tracks with a butcher knife he's never bothered to clean. Don't come here alone."
I got into a fight with a boyfriend one night and stubbornly decided to walk alone from the river - across the tracks, and through the woods. I got to the tracks, turned and looked at the steel mill. Further down the tracks, I saw a figure. I couldn't see a face, but the baggy pants were rather clown-like. I ran like you wouldn't believe. I've never felt fear like that before. It was probably a bum. But who takes chances with an urban legend like that?