Woman With Long Yellow Fingernails and Red Eyes (La Pisadeira)

Horror Stories - Woman With Long Yellow Fingernails and Red Eyes (La Pisadeira)
In Brazil, a tall, skinny woman with long yellow fingernails and red eyes creeps along the rooftops and watches families inside of their homes. She watches them as they sit at the table for dinner. She watches them while they eat. This woman known as "La Pisadeira."

After the meal, when someone goes to sleep on a full stomach, la pisadeira sneaks into their bedroom. Then she sits on their chest so that they cannot move. The pisadeira that has attacked them watches them as they begin to panic - the victim's eyes partly open, but they're neither fully asleep or fully awake - helpless and trapped in a body that won't move.

Sleep paralysis is a well-studied disorder. "The worst thing is when you try to fight or call for help," someone said in a conversation about what the experiences with it were like. "Your voice doesn't work and your body will not respond. You just feel helpless."

And among those who suffer from it across many cultures, there is one, unsettling common experience - a sense that a malevolent force is hovering over them in their immobile state.

"The earliest one I can remember is with my mother in the room and she's sitting on my bed, her face morphs into a demon like thing," someone shared in a thread on sleep paralysis. Or: "A large dark figure, kind of a human silhouette, emerging from the foot of my bed and staring down at me."

Could her "mom" or the silhouette have been a pisadeira? They went on. "Ugh, I need to stop trying to remember these things. I'm getting chills."

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