Legend of The Sanzu River

Horror Stories - Legend of The Sanzu River
Sanzu River near the Mountain Osore. Sanzu is the same name as the river in Japanese mythology that separate the a human with the afterlife. It is said that if someone cross the river, he would never go back to the real world. There have been many stories about the experience of someone who is dying or almost dead experience when seeing the river's afterlife. They found themselves standing on the edge of the river, and on the other side standing a person that is calling out.

A person was usually is someone very loved or the ancestors, sometimes also strangers. While people across the other usual calling out them back and do not cross over into the river. A story also tells of a person's experience when seeing the people waved the hands call and told to cross the river, there is a power that held him and forced him to wake up soon.

According to the legend of Sanzu River or Riverside of Sai (of Sai no Kawara) is a place of the spirit of a little boy who died earlier from their parents due to bad karma. Because it was too sinful to go to heaven, but was too naive to hell, they are then placed in the river. It is said that Satan the devil would then use them to take out the stones that surround the river to build a tower as the redemption from their sins.

However, the Devil will continued destroy the tower each time children were successful in establishing a tower on the river. The Spirit of children were will continued trapped in that place to build a stone tower that will only be destroyed by the Devil.

The legend of Sanzu River is also part of the Buddhist tradition in Japanese. It is said that a man who had died would cross a river that restrict a human nature with the afterlife. Easy or difficult to cross the river in accordance with the act the man himself during his lifetime. It is said that good people will cross the river easily, while the bad guy are required to make amends before they can cross the river.

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