Ritual: The Red Book

Horror Stories - Ritual: The Red Book
Instructions for how to play The Red Book. Be sure to read all of the details this ritual. Play at your own risk.


2 participants.


1 book.

» The book must be hardcover, not a journal but a blank covered reading book and the cover must be red.

»There should be no pictures, photographs, or other images in its pages - its contents must consist of words only.

1 candle.

» The candle must be red.

1 Box of Matches or a lighter.
1 quiet room.
1 question.


The Preface:

1. Go into your quiet room.

2. Draw the curtains and turn off the lights.

3. Sit in a circle with the other participants.

4. Place the candle(s) in the middle of the circle. Light them.

5. Close your eyes. Place the palm of your hand on the book's cover.

6. Ask the following question aloud:

"Red Book, may I enter your game?"

Keep your eyes closed.

7. Open the book to a random page. Place your finger on a random spot on the page.

8. Open your eyes. Read the sentence your finger has landed on. This is your answer - although you must interpret it correctly to proceed.

If the answer is negative or nonsensical: Contact has not been made. Do not proceed. Try again.

If the answer is positive: You may proceed.

Remember: Each player must ask for and receive permission to enter the game.

The Rising Action:

1. Close your eyes. Place your palm on the book's cover. Ask your question. Speak it aloud.

2. Keep your eyes closed. Open the book to a random page. Place your finger on a random spot on the page.

3. Open your eyes. Read the sentence your finger has landed on. This is your answer - whatever you interpret it to mean.

4. Pass the book round. Each player who wishes to ask a question must close their eyes, place the palm of their hand on the book's cover, ask their question aloud, open the book to a random page, and place their finger on a random spot on the page. The sentence the asker's finger lands on will always be the answer to the question, although the interpretation is up to the askers themselves.

The Epilogue:

1. When all the questions have been asked and answered, close your eyes and place your palm on the book once more.

2. Ask aloud,

"Red Book, may I leave your game?"

3. Keep your eyes closed. Open the book to a random page. Place your finger on a random spot on the page.

4. Open your eyes. Read the sentence your finger has landed on. That is your answer.

If the answer is negative or nonsensical: You do not have permission to leave the game. Try again.

If the answer is positive: You may leave the game.

Each player must ask for and receive permission to leave the game.

When all permissions have been acquired;

1. Close the book.

2. Extinguish the candles.

3. Open the curtains.

4. And lastly, *turn on the lights.

Additional Notes:

There is no specific starting time; however, the room should be as dark as possible without the candles lit, so it is advisable to begin at night.

No questions are officially "off limits"; however, it is not advisable to ask anything that might anger your correspondent. It is also not advisable to ask about your own death. Some things are better left unknown.

Concerning Permissions:

Do not begin asking questions or leave the game without asking for and receiving permission first.

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