Ritual: The Apex

Horror Stories - Ritual: The Apex
Instructions for how to play The Apex. Be sure to read all of the details this ritual. Play at your own risk.


At least 2 participants.

» Your partner(s) should be people you trust beyond any doubt.


A forest as far away from civilization as you can manage.

Survival supplies. Bring enough to get you through an entire 24-hour period.

A backpack
1 Compass
1 Smartphone (Incase of Emergency)
3/4 bottles of water
4/5 Snack bars
1 Flashlight
1 box of matches or 1 lighter


The Challenge:

1. Begin by entering the forest before dawn with your partner(s).

2. Form a circle with your partner(s) by holding hands. Say aloud the words,

"We are allies! We wish to game a worthy opponent! Will no challenge face us?"

3. When you hear a crash coming from elsewhere in the forest, run - together.

» Do not get separated from the group.

» Do not leave anyone behind.

The Hunt:

1. You and your partner(s) are now the Herd.

2. For the next 24 hours - an entire day and night - the Herd will be hunted by the Apex.

3. Survive however you must, but do not get separated, do not harm your partner(s), and do not beg for mercy.

The Prize:

When the 24 hours are up, leave the forest immediately.

When you emerge from the forest, you will be approached by a park ranger who will ask you;

"Are you worthy?"

If you answer "Yes": It is not recommended that you choose this answer.

If you answer "No": It is not recommended that you choose this answer.

If you answer "Am I?": The ranger will hand you a box. Take it, but do not open it or look inside (yet).

Leave the area.

Once you are on familiar ground, open the box to receive your prize.

You will find one of two items inside: An object of value, either monetary or personal, which you or your partner(s) had previously lost; or a sheet of paper with something written on it.

Should you find the sheet of paper, you may choose to read it or you may choose not to; either way, though, exercise caution when making your decision.

Survival Tips:

Stick together. A true hunter, the Apex excels in isolating members of the Herd and picking them off one by one. It bears repeating: Do not get separated, and do not leave anyone behind.

Should you hear the Apex behind you, do not turn around and do not look at it.

» To do so may result in memory loss or paralysis.

Do not attempt to leave the woods before the end of the hunt. The Apex isn't confined to the woods, you know - and you certainly don't want to bring it home with you.

Concerning the Sheet of Paper:

Written on it will be a secret - but think carefully before reading it. Not all secrets were meant to be shared, and what has been learned cannot be unlearned.

Good luck.

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