The Hotel Room
Horror Stories - The Hotel Room
There was this man who stayed at a hotel for a business trip. He was
given a key card for his room and went up to his floor. On the way to
his room, he noticed one of the doors still had a keyhole and had not
been converted to a card reader. 'Interesting,' he thought and headed to
his room.
He couldn't stop thinking of that one door all night and wondered why it
hadn't been changed. The next morning, curiosity got the best of him and
he peeked in the keyhole on his way out. He saw a lady with long white
hair standing in the corner, facing away from him. He shrugged and
went about his day.
He returned to the hotel later that night, exhausted and eager to get
back to his room, but he saw the door again. He figured it wouldn't hurt
to look and when he did, it had been blocked. Something bright red
seemed to have been put in front of the keyhole.
'They must have noticed me looking in earlier,' he thought,
He went on his way to bed. The next morning he asked the hotel employee
checking him out about the room. The lady said, 'Oh, last time someone
stayed in that room, it was a bride waiting for her wedding to start.
Her groom never showed up, and she suddenly passed away in that very
room the next night. Nobody has touched it since. She's very hard to
forget. She had long white hair and bright red eyes.