The River of Death

Horror Stories - The River of Death
Vaitarna River is a river in the Hindu mythology. This river is believed to restrict the human world with the world Naraka Yama, Hindu religion the god of death is believed to purify the sins of men. Vaitarna river is said to be crossed by all the people who have died. For those people who have do good things during his lifetime, will see this river water flowing flower essence and all kinds of pleasures, while the bad people will see the river which flowed the blood and the bones.

During cross the river of death, people are going to pay for the sins during his life before entering the next world. There are several ways to get through this river according to the Hindu religious beliefs. The first, are the ones who passed away or do not need to pass through the river again, because the virtues he has done while living in the human world. The second depend on the virtues among the sins that human beings do.

If you've done some virtues such as donating food and money or otherwise for the benefit and it shall pass the river in a raft. If a human being can not do good things but follow a spiritual master, that person can cross the river Vaitarana by holding the hand of the Master. If a sinner could not get past by means of before, then he had to wait until the waiter of Yama arrive and forcibly dragged them across the river.

After the human crossing the river, he would then be tried again based on its behavior. If still declared innocent a person will go to hell or born again as human beings to atone for his misdeeds, otherwise the good spirits will be taken to heaven. If the human spirit that can not be crossed Vaitarna, then he can not go to hell. He will forever trapped over there. These spirits exist because of his sin is too much, so he does not deserve reborn as human beings even animals. These spirits can be said to be curious ghosts trapped in the afterlife forever.

Vaitarna river does not only in Hindu mythology. The people of India who are mostly Hindu religion consider the Vaitarna River in the real world. The river was named river Baitarani in Odisha, one of the six major rivers in India are full of epic stories and the legends.

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