Haunted Bungalow in Puchong

Horror Stories - Haunted Bungalow in Puchong
This happened to a best friend of Naavinesh back in 2008. A true story and only something that could have happen if you are really lucky. Well, they do watch ghost hunting’s on tv where it seem unrealistic sometimes with fake interviews or stories and people act as if though they are possessed or something. If it’s true, hours and hours of filming a particular haunted area results unconvincing evidence.

Way back in 2008, Naavinesh friend just finished schooling, after the SPM examinations. So, during the holidays his schoolmates and a cousin of his would always hang out every day and they would have this plan of ghost hunting on every Friday nights. After a month of ghost hunting every Fridays at graveyards, jungles and old buildings, they heard rumors of an area being haunted in Puchong. There were about 10 of them, including his friend that visited this old bungalow in Puchong. He doesn’t really know where exactly this place is though.

It was already about 12.30am when they reached the bungalow. They had to park their car way far away because the bungalow somehow surrounded by some dry plants reaching up to 1.4 meters which he didn’t really ask what plant it was. So, the 10 of them started following a narrow pathway with plants on both sides. All of them pulled out their phone and torchlight’s for light. The person leading the way was his friend and he was recording the whole episode with his hand phone.

After about a minute’s walk, they reached the bungalow. It looked more like a haunted mansion, the ones they used to watch in movies.  There was a very huge old door and the bungalow looked so scary that 3 of them refused to go in. Naavinesh friend’s cousin also refused to go in.

The main door was not locked and so they entered the building. There was no furniture in the building and there were all scary figures drawn in red. The figures all looked like it was drawn with blood. Drawings were all over the wall with numbers. There were 3 floors, ground, first and second. As his friend was lighting up his cigarette heading up the first floor, he felt a chill all of a sudden from the first floor. Goosebumps started and he asked his friends whether they felt it or not.

They replied no. He was the only one who felt the chill. So, Naavinesh friend got a bit scared and he suggest everyone to go downstairs. Everyone agreed and while they are heading downstairs, they were surprised to see the other 3 friends who were outside the bungalow waiting for them inside the house. All 3 of them looked pale and shocked. Sensing something was wrong; the other 7 friends asked if they were okay. They 3 of them replied that, “We got to go home, lets leave this place”. Everyone agreed and headed back home.

Before going home, they stopped at a nearby restaurant to have some food. While having supper, the 3 of them looked so pale and quiet that the rest probed them for answers but the 3 of them refused to say anything and just replied, “Nothing’s wrong”. After the supper, Naavinesh friend and his cousin who were living together headed home. His friend decided to ask his cousin personally whether anything had happened just now but his cousin just replied, “No, nothing, just go to sleep”. Naavinesh friend was still curious about the whole incident so before he slept he started viewing all the photos and videos that he had recorded earlier. In one of the photos, he saw a small dot in the photo. The photo was shot at the time before all of them entered the building. Immediately he showed his cousin.

The next day, he asked his cousin what really happened, and he said that the other two saw something was moving in the tall bushes. It was moving towards them so they decided to run into the house. Later that evening, his friend gave his phone to his friends to checkout the photo. The last time my friend saw the photo was last night, so he was quite taken by surprised when his friends upon looking at the photo shocked to see a face.

Quickly Naavinesh friend grabbed the phone and saw that the dot getting bigger and bigger turning into a face. It even changed its position. Everyone soon realized something was wrong and it was not a joke. The other friends were so scared that they dared not even bluetooth the photo. The next day, his friend had a shock of his life after viewing the photo. It got even bigger! Imagine a white pale woman smiling. The original photo was a woman smiling even after it got bigger. The 10 of them feared so much until one of them had a fever. Thus, the third day, his friend made a decision to delete the photo. Even today his friend still gets goosebumps if he thinks about this photo.

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