Dentist Photos: Teeth.jpg

Horror Stories - Dentist Photos: Teeth.jpg
I'd never been too fond of anyone at my local school. They were all a little too rude and boring for me. You see, I grew up in a small area with not many people interested in art like I am, so I had to venture off from home and found myself attending a pretty rural Art College. It's sorta like a normal University except it's full of big-headed people. Now the only reason why I'm here is because I've always wanted to be an Illustrator.

A children's book designer of sorts. I'd always taken keen interest in children's media and classic books such as the Arthur series. So when I was sent to live at this college, I was taken back when I realised a lot of the other students here were all "Fine Artists," you know the kind. The ones who like to splatter paint onto a canvas and claim it's art. I'm not really big on that sorta thing, but I didn't question it.

I settled into the new place pretty quickly, I was sharing a dorm with a few other students. There was myself, a graphics designer named Josh, a film/animator called Lilly and then there was one more guy called Daniel. Daniel was one of those "fine artists" I just described to you. His room was decorated with photographs of distorted women and he always had weird music playing too. It was sorta like trippy 60s music.

He also liked to smoke so his room always smelt like an old ash tray. It was pretty gross, but he was a nice enough guy and we all got along well enough. We soon became a tightly-packed group of friends. It was the start of a new term for us all, and we'd all came back from home after spending the summer there. We all unpacked our things and started talking about what we had done over the summer.

"I went hiking with my stepdad. We went on one of those summer camps." Replied Josh.

"I spent most of my time with my girlfriend, we watched films and went to watch some plays too." Lilly said. She spent a lot of time whining about missing her sporty girlfriend, but we were glad they got some time together. I hadn't really done much worth mentioning. I did the usual stuff, I went out to parties and went on trips with my family. Nothing really that special. I was just about to pipe up and speak when I got interrupted.

"I spent my time at the dentist." We heard Daniel say. "My Father is a Doctor of sorts, so he let me come with him sometimes and explore the hospital. My favourite place to visit was the dentistry, I got to touch and feel teeth. It was cool." We all stared at him a bit confused. Were you even allowed to have random strangers go into hospital rooms? Let alone play with the equipment? We didn't really care. We knew Daniel was that sort of guy anyway. He was known for getting into trouble for "the sake of his art." That was always his excuse.

We all spent our first couple of days getting to grips with our assignments. We all found out what we had to do. Naturally I had to study some illustrators and just mimic their styles, Josh spent some money on a new Mac to do some more design tests, and Lilly had to start playing about with claymation. It was a pretty nice vibe when we'd all be at our dorms talking and giving ideas. Well, at least it was nice until Daniel would start insulting us. He'd never been the same since he came back from the summer break. He seemed more cold and distant.

We assumed something must have happened to him over the break, so we decided not to press him on it. He never told us anything about his projects, in fact he never even told us what the subject was. It was pretty normal for Daniel to be reserved, but never this much. At nights he'd just make himself some dinner and then shut himself in his room, crank up the music and not be seen until the next morning. The rest of us would go out places, like going bowling or down to a local gig. Daniel used to happily tag along but, not anymore.

One night myself and Josh had gone out for long night. Lilly didn't come with us, she said she wanted to see if Daniel was okay since he hadn't been talking to us for a few days now. We could see her point and complied. She had spent the evening knocking on his door and trying to get him to speak with her. Just before we left we saw his door open and Lilly step inside before it was locked again. Brushing it off we head out. We'd gone to see a movie and then go out for a few innocent drinks.

It was fun, but we didn't get home till around 2:00am. When we got back, Josh just said goodnight and went straight to bed. I hadn't gone to bed yet, I was pretty damn hungry. Drinking always made me hungry, so I raided our fridge and found some cold pizza from the night before. I was going to go back into my room when I realised something I didn't notice before. Daniel wasn't in his room, and Lilly wasn't in hers.

Due to Daniel's strange new behaviour of locking himself in his room until early hours; and Lilly never went anywhere without texting us, this was pretty weird. I went over to his door and gave it a knock, and sure enough the door just opened right up. It wasn't locked or anything. I just assumed he and her had gone out with some of his poncy art friends, but it wasn't like Daniel to leave his door open like this. I've always been a nosy son of a bitch, so I stepped inside to see if there were any signs that he had gone somewhere. His keys were gone, his jacket was gone too but he'd left his wallet on his desk. The other thing that was odd was that he'd left his laptop on his bed, and it was still on.

The screen was still lighten up. Curiosity got to the best of me. Perhaps this could be my chance to find out about this art project he'd been hiding. I mean, Daniel was a "fine artist" so it could have been anything. I noticed that he had a USB plugged in, and two files on the screen. One was called: "Dentist Photos" and the other file was a singular image named: "teeth.jpg". I clicked on the "Dentist Photos" file and there was just pictures of people's teeth and plastic models of teeth. It was nothing interesting. I clicked back off the file and decided to check out "teeth.jpg".

The image would be forever burned into my brain. It startled me so bad that I slammed the laptop shut, shaking as I sat back. I wasn't sure if I wanted to lift the screen again, but I knew I had to or Daniel would know someone touched his laptop. I lifted the screen again, staring at the image for a brief moment before clicking away from it nervously. I then made a decision. I needed to show this to Josh and Lilly in the morning. This was seriously messed up. I mean I knew that Daniel was an artistic kinda guy but this was just insane. I quickly bolted it back to my own room; and scoured for my USB drive. I eventually found it and darted back to Daniel's laptop where I copied the image onto my USB.

I stared at the image for a little while longer. I was trying to dismiss the image as a mere photo manipulation but, there was just something so wrong about it. Perhaps it was the black soulless eyes, or the fact that whoever or whatever this creature was, was pulling up its mouth in such as weird and disturbing way. It almost looked forced. Like whoever this creature was, was forced to pose in this way. I shook it off as a mere thought and fixed up the laptop so it didn't look tampered with before I went back to my own room. Soon enough I heard our front door open, then the sound of footsteps, then Daniel's door locking. Daniel was back home..but there were no signs of Lilly.

The next morning I waited until Daniel had gone out for one of his lectures, and since it was a Friday Josh and I had the morning off. I decided now would be a good time to show Josh the image. I asked him if he wanted to see what Daniel had been hiding from us, and he confusedly but also eagerly said yes. I brought my laptop into the living room and loaded up my USB, and opened the image for us both to see. Josh's expression fell into shock before he spluttered.

"W..What is that thing?!" I could tell just by his reaction that both of us were thinking the same thing. This couldn't have been an art project image. There is no way that this would pass as Fine Art piece, would it? I mean sure art can be creepy at times but, I can't imagine his teachers would appreciate such a creepy and disgusting image.

"I know that Daniel can be a creepy son of a bitch but..that isn't right. We've got to show Lilly thi-" We both cut off one another. We paused briefly before looking at one another with confusion. Where was Lilly? I realized that she hadn't come back with Daniel last night and neither of us had seen her that morning. When I explained to Josh what I did last night, he began to worry. Lilly was never the kind to just sneak off and not tell anyone. I picked up my phone and began to ring her mobile. For a while there was silence. Then, just from Lilly's room we heard a faint buzzing sound. Josh got up and walked into Lilly's room rather quickly (he'd never been one to go into girl's rooms) and came back out holding Lilly's phone in his hand with a worried look on his face. Lilly was gone, and we had no way to get a hold of her.

Next story, Dentist Photo: Teeth.jpg Part 2.

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