The Girl

Horror Stories - The Girl
According to the magazine, on the day of the incident. The girl who is affected by the way of the western society goes a markrobas (Mini Bus) to a destination in the territory of Alexandria. Unfortunately despite living on the world famous for Islamic tradition, the girl's clothing is very eye-catching. His cheeks are a bit thin, sexy looks almost everything that should be hidden for a woman rather than a man's view of ajnabi or mahramnya.

The girl is in the 20-year environment. Inside the bus there was an old man who was full of gray hair, "O young man, it would have been nice if you were dressed in good, in accordance with your own customs and traditions of Islam, that is better than you dressed in this which would have been a victim of wild men's views" Parents advice. However, the advice that most coincided with the religious claims was answered by the girl with a naughty and ridiculous answer.

"Do you have to be parents, have you in the hands of a key to heaven? Or do you have a kind of power that determines whether I will be in heaven or hell?" After scrounging the words of the old man's feelings the girl laughed long. Not enough so far, The girl then tried to give her a hand phone to the old man while pronouncing a more powerful word. "Take my handphone and contact God and help me order a room in Hell for me" he said again and laughed aloud without knowing that he was questioning the law of God so rude.

The old man was surprised to hear the answer from the sweet girl. His beautiful face is not the same as the bad thing. Other passengers were silent. Some shake the head of confusion. Then everyone in the bus ignored the young girl who did not respect the law and did not want to advise her for fear that she would insult religion more seriously.

Ten minutes later the bus arrived at the stop. The girl was dull in the door. Satisfied the bus driver and the other passengers surprised him but the girl was unconscious. Suddenly the old man who had advised him kept checking the girl's heart. A second later he shook his head. The girl has come back to the Lord in a state of unexpectedness. The passengers became anxious with the shocking situation. In the dark mood of the mist, suddenly the girl's body fell to the side of the road.

The public immediately pursued to save the corpse. But again they were surprised. Something strange happens to the corpse of a girl lying on the road. His body became black as if it was burned. Two of the three who tried to lift the body were astonished as their hands were hot and almost burned as soon as they touched the bodies. Finally they called the security guard to manage the body.

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