The Ghost of Kum-Kum

Horror Stories - The Ghost of Kum-Kum
KumKum is a reference to a ghost from the folklore of Malaysian. The ghost is describe as an old woman who went from one house to the other house, looking for the young girls. By drinking their blood, a ghost is hoping to restore its her beauty. A ghost of KumKum has been terrorizing people in Malaysian for several decades with an insatiable hunger for the blood of the young girls.

A ghost are ugly old women who wear the headscarf or veil that hung down to cover her face hideous. She often walked from house to house, knocking on the door in search of victims. Because her face is very ugly with a strange shape, she could not say the traditional Muslim greeting "Assalamualaikum" with well. So the hearing is just "KumKum".

It is said that the ghost of KumKum during her lifetime is a very beautiful woman, but was never satisfied with her performance. As she grew older and her beauty began to fade, she tried to find a way to restore her beauty. She then consulted with Bomoh. A shaman in the terms of Malaysians, who told her to do the black magic ritual. With that, enabling him to look beautiful forever. The shaman then gave her a potion to drink and told him not to see her own reflection in the mirror for 30 days.

However, she feels tormented by the curiosity. Each time she touched her face, her skin feels more smooth and wrinkles begin to disappear. Everyone who met him, always said how beautiful she is. When it was day of 29th, the praises it seems too much so this woman broke her promise. A little bit, she looked at herself in the mirror. The mirror was then broken as well as the poor woman. Her skin was blistered and her face began to change. She then became a figure of creepy and ugly.

In desperation, the woman returned to the shaman and begging him to do something. The shaman and then said nothing more could be done for him. The only way to restore it if she is willing to drink the blood from the young woman. Since it began the legend of creepy the ghost of KumKum.

Nobody even the ghost of KumKum itself, who knows how much blood is needed to restore of her beauty. It is said that ghost still haunt the earth until today, continue to invade terror in order to gain of her beauty back. Several years ago, for the sake of the appearance from ghost sighting described in Malaysia and even in Singapore. It caused fear in the society and the newspaper articles about the ghost are also displayed on the bulletin boards in the schools. Some parents of students worried and then picked their daughter to go home after school, afraid that they are victims of the ghost of kumkum.

A Malaysian girl tells her story about the ghost of KumKum met when she was a child. "I still remember when the ghosts roaming throughout Malaysia. Said she was looking for the young girls. At that time I was 7 or 8 years old. Said she has no eyelashes and also a nose, but two small holes where her nose had been. Her skin blisters filled with scars, her teeth are also yellow and sharply.

One afternoon, I was on my way back to my house when suddenly I felt bad feeling like someone was following me. I heard someone slipped in front of the house neighbor's gutters. When I turned, I saw a woman sneaked into the gutter. She bowed and I could not see her face because it was covered by a cloth cover a long its head until the bottom.

Shortly afterward, she pulled to the back of the fabric. I was stunned and could not move. Her skin red and full of sores, her eyes yellow and her eyes seemed to penetrate my soul. I know she is not human. During that time, I then heard my sister calling from inside the house. Its influence faulted and I ran as fast as I can, until finally arrived at the front of my house.

The night was very dark, a concussion and friction came through the door of our house. We felt a very strong vibration of that door. We then read prayers out from our mouths. A scraping sound at the door and stopped, but shortly afterwards, collision and friction came from our back door. We were all scared by the figure. This continues for an hour or more. The next morning, when it was already safe to come out, we found a bloody scratch marks inside behind the door of our house outside".

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