Mirror in The Bathroom

Horror Stories - Mirror in The Bathroom
A man has just completed the bath. When taking a towel, he saw something in the bathroom mirror. It is the image that is formed from the corner of his eye. He stared at the mirror for a moment, and try to guess what he'd just seen. When he was began to dry up, from the end of the his vision he saw another shadow flashed in the mirror. He then approached the mirror, put his hand on it and rub its surface.

When his wife arrived at the house in the afternoon, he no longer found in his home. Looking around the room from above to bottom, his wife called his name and began to worry. The only trace he could find only a towel that was found on the bathroom floor. The woman then called police and reported the loss of her husband.

Two days later, his wife was also missing. Somehow she suddenly no longer in the house. The clothing worn in her last days at home just lying on her bedroom floor and a water shower in the bathroom was still on. The police just find a fingerprints in the bathroom mirror. Where the couple ever been on that bathroom.

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