The White Kimono

Horror Stories - The White Kimono
The White Kimono is a Japanese ritual to summon the ghost of a woman wearing a white kimono with blood that is scattered all over her body. This ritual is a ritual that is very dangerous so make sure that you examine all the instructions well if you want to try it. If after reading the entire the instructions your shoulder felt a shiver or depressed you should not be try it.

"After midnight (at around 2 to 3 pm), before you go to bed, lie down and look at all four corners of the ceiling in the room, slowly and anticlockwise. Start from the most northern corner.

"You have to do it three times. "Slow and counter-clockwise."

"Then cross your arms on your chest and read "On-Beiro-kya-mashironi-sowaka" three times.

"Maintain your arms were crossed, then imagine a black long-haired woman wearing a white kimono, which hung down slowly approaching you.

"When she arrived just in front of you, stop imagining of her."

"Open your arms that is were crossed, turn off all the lights up to make the whole in your room becomes dark as possible and go to sleep immediately."

"You would see a white kimono woman covered in blood, in your dreams."

If the woman approaches you, do not talk to him. She may ask for your name but do not tell her. If she began to muttering something in your right ear, keep him away by waving your hand. That will wake you up. If you've awakened from your sleep look around and if you do not find the shadow of the woman crept in one corner of the room, then you'll be safe.

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