Drowned While Sleeping
Horror Stories - Drowned While Sleeping
This urban legend is about 2 best friends. So one night the 1st friend wanted the 2nd friend to come over her house for sleepover because she was having some trouble sleeping. So the 2nd friend said"of course!we are best friends". So the 1st friend said "okay, I'll sleep in the couch downstairs and you sleep in my bed."
Few hours later the 2nd friend heard the 1st friend screaming in her sleep. So the 2nd friend runs downstairs to see the 1st friend. When 2nd friend came downstairs, she saw 1st friend laying on the floor, moving around like she's escaping from somebody. She was holding her neck like she has been choked. So the 2nd friend shakes and wakes her up and said "whats wrong with you?" The 1st friend looks at 2nd friend scared, terrified and said "He came again."
The 2nd friend said "Who came again?" They both went upstairs to 1st friend's bedroom. The 1st friend said "Sit down, I have to tell you something." 2nd friend said "of course" 2nd friend told her that a few days ago, she and her some friends were camping at a lake that rumored to be haunted. In early 1980s a man was brutally murdered in that lake and drowned.
To this day people say if you swim in that lake, the thing that killed the man will grab your legs and pull you down to the bottom and drown you. So she swam in that lake and she felt somebody pull her leg down. She was freaking out. She then saw a man's face that was rotting.
He came near her and whispered "Did you kill me?" Her some friends then save her and she woke up they said to her "We saw you drowning. What happened?" So she told them but they didn't believed her. Ever since then she is having nightmares of this man dragging her and saying did you kill me.
So the 2nd friend said "It is just nightmares, nothing will happen." The 1st friend wanted her to stay with her till the next night. Unfortunately the 2nd friend have to babysit her younger brother and she has to wait until her parents came home. So she said "I'll come when my parents will come home."
So the 1st friend said "Okay! I'll wait for you." So the 1st friend fell asleep and never woke up. So when the 2nd friends's parent got home, she said "Why were you all so late. I have to go to my friend's house." The next day the 2nd friend found that her friend died in her sleep. During her autopsy, they found 4 liters of water in her lungs. She drowned while sleeping.
Few hours later the 2nd friend heard the 1st friend screaming in her sleep. So the 2nd friend runs downstairs to see the 1st friend. When 2nd friend came downstairs, she saw 1st friend laying on the floor, moving around like she's escaping from somebody. She was holding her neck like she has been choked. So the 2nd friend shakes and wakes her up and said "whats wrong with you?" The 1st friend looks at 2nd friend scared, terrified and said "He came again."
The 2nd friend said "Who came again?" They both went upstairs to 1st friend's bedroom. The 1st friend said "Sit down, I have to tell you something." 2nd friend said "of course" 2nd friend told her that a few days ago, she and her some friends were camping at a lake that rumored to be haunted. In early 1980s a man was brutally murdered in that lake and drowned.
To this day people say if you swim in that lake, the thing that killed the man will grab your legs and pull you down to the bottom and drown you. So she swam in that lake and she felt somebody pull her leg down. She was freaking out. She then saw a man's face that was rotting.
He came near her and whispered "Did you kill me?" Her some friends then save her and she woke up they said to her "We saw you drowning. What happened?" So she told them but they didn't believed her. Ever since then she is having nightmares of this man dragging her and saying did you kill me.
So the 2nd friend said "It is just nightmares, nothing will happen." The 1st friend wanted her to stay with her till the next night. Unfortunately the 2nd friend have to babysit her younger brother and she has to wait until her parents came home. So she said "I'll come when my parents will come home."
So the 1st friend said "Okay! I'll wait for you." So the 1st friend fell asleep and never woke up. So when the 2nd friends's parent got home, she said "Why were you all so late. I have to go to my friend's house." The next day the 2nd friend found that her friend died in her sleep. During her autopsy, they found 4 liters of water in her lungs. She drowned while sleeping.