The Snowman
Horror Stories - The Snowman
Children's laughter and screams filled the air as me and my friends grew closer to my house. Wendy, Charles, Richard, and I, Macy, were talking about our plans to sneak out to Brian Manger's party tonight. Our conversation was put on hold when my mother called my name.
"Macy Lynn!" My mother called, peering her head out my front door.
I scoffed and waved goodbye to my friends as the made their way across the ice covered street.
"Yes mother," I replied.
"You didn't clean your room before you left like I had asked you!" She explained.
"Ugh, fine," I commented and she slammed the front door behind her.
My sister, Claire and her friend, Harvey were dancing around the snowman they had built. It's smile was huge, posture jolly, and it's eyes soulless and unmindful. A grim smile grew across my face and I knelt down behind the snowman quietly. I made a hard ball of iced snow in my hands then thrust it at the snowman's head.
"Frosty!" Claire and Harvey cried.
I stuck my tongue out as the little kids began to piece back together the remains. As I wiped my feet on the rug outside the front door, trying to pry the snow from my boots, I turned back to look at the children in dismay. I had no clue to why, but it made me happy. Then I noticed a minor detail on the fallen snowman's face. His smile was gone and it was a frown. I laughed as I thought of the children trying to frighten me for what I had done. My sister was always trying to scare me. I scoffed and let the front door slam behind me.
It had been three hours since everyone fell asleep and was exactly 10:06p.m. at that time. I freed myself from the warm blankets, into the frost biting air. I slipped by winter boots on, trying not to make the slightest of sounds. My sister was a very light sleeper and if she woke up my mother would know of my sneaking out in an instant. Even if I tried to cover my tracks, nothing would work. Nothing would matter. They wouldn't believe a word I said, sixteen year old me, against an eight year old's word.
I turned my bedroom door knob without any sound but as I opened the door a tiny creek uttered through the air. I gasped and held my breath listening for any sign of movement. To my fortune, the tiny creek hadn't woken anybody. I made my way through my house swiftly without any noise and grabbed my winter coat from beside the front door. I pulled out my phone and blinded myself with the bright light.
Me: You outside.
There was no instant reply from Charles but seconds later the speech bubble showed up. I waited a few seconds but grew too impatient and dug my phone back into the coat pocket. I peeked through the window blinds but before I could see anything my phone vibrated.
Charles: Turn around.
I was dumbfounded to why he had demanded this but I followed through. I flung around and a slight gasp came out of my mouth as Charles' strong arms wrapped around me. I punched him and he lip said "Ow!"
I stuck out my tongue and then he embraced me once again. His lips found mine and filled me with warmth. He kissed me passionately right after then tried to slip his tongue between my teeth, but I pushed him away. Okay, maybe Charles and I were a little bit more than friends.
"At the party," I explained. "I wanna get out of here as soon as possible."
I turned and knelt down to spy outside the blinds and came eye to eye with the snowman. He was standing right beside the tree where the little ones had built him at earlier. Maybe the kids put him back together, I thought. Then I noticed he still had a frown.
"That stupid snowman," I whispered. "I wish they would've left him decapitated on the ground."
"What snowman?" Charles asked.
"The one out front," I informed him.
"I must not of noticed it," he shrugged. "Come on babe, lets go."
A strange thought griped my mind but I dusted it off my shoulders. It was a very silly and impossible thought. Snowmen can't come to life. Snowmen can't hold grudges. Snowmen can't feel the need for revenge. Could they, I had asked myself.
Charles and I made our way to the backdoor and got out of the house without making a sound. We were about to turn the corner to the front yard when I noticed something. Something dark and black. Except it wasn't black it was red.
"Charles! There's b-b-b-blood on the G-G-G-ground!" I shivered.
"What?! Where?!" He asked, now as curious as I was.
I pointed to the long line of blood that disappeared into the distance and we looked to each other's curious eyes. Before anyone gave any ideas I already began to walk. The low crunch of snow under my feet. I walked around the blood, holding my arms to myself, shivering. Charles followed behind me not too soon after. It led us deeper into my back yard until we found the trails end. Which just happened to be at the entrance to my shed.
The shed's doors were creeks open, but we couldn't see what was inside because it was so dark and the snow falling around us was blurring our vision. Especially Charles' since he wore glasses. When we reached the shed, we noticed scratch marks covering the door and the lock was missing. Charles reached to open the door, but then we heard the crunch of the snow once more. But it wasn't us. We were standing still. We turned to see a small shadow coming towards us. I soon made out who it was.
"Claire?! What the hell are you doing it here?!" I demanded.
I stomped angrily over to my little shivering sister in her winter coat, pajamas, and slippers.
"I came looking for you," She quivered. "You woke me up! The second meanest thing you've done to me today!"
I scoffed and commented, "Go back insi-" but then I was cut off by Charles' screams. We turned and noticed Charles being lifted into the air by a dark shadow who's identity was concealed by the darkness and blurting snow. Then a loud snap filled the air and Charles' body plummeted tot he ground, but not his head. Blood began to soak the snow surrounding Charles' body, the night was filled with Clair's screams and cries, and I was filled with fear.
I began running and dragging Clair behind me at the same time. The shadow that was atop the shed just seconds ago had disappeared. The snow crunched under our feet but that's all we heard. We began to come to a slow, I was losing my breath.
"Macy we have to run!" Clair warned and tugged and cried.
I leaned my hand on the old wooden fence for a measly second until suddenly to large medium size branch like hands burst through the fence and began scratching at me. One little scratch was bestowed across my cheek but Clair and I got away before anything else could happen. We began trotting towards the front yard.
This can't actually be happening, I thought to myself. Snowmen don't come to life. Snowmen don't hold grudges. Snowmen don't want revenge. Charles isn't dead. We made it to the front yard and my theory was correct. Not the theory I was hoping to be proven though. The snowman wasn't in his place and where he had been was a puddle of frozen blood. Clair was readying herself to scream but I enclosed her mouth with my gloved hand. I heard crunching and low growls. I heard the snowman inching closer on his prey. I heard the snowman inching closer on me. My eyes searched everywhere. I couldn't see him. Then I heard something crack. My head flipped up and there he was. The snowman was plummeting down onto both Claire and I.
Luckily, we were able to run before the thing could land. He growled and began sliding after us. We made another turn and we thought we could make it away over the backyard fence. I turned to make sure the snowman wasn't gaining up on us and he was holding his head in his hands. An eerie grin grew upon his face and I began shoving Claire to move faster.
"Woo-Hoo!" the snowman growled as his head flew past mine.
His head busted into the fence. A smile actually came across my face but was son replaced with fear when something began to drag me back. I fell on my stomach hard, a hard piece of ice thrashing into me. It didn't impale me just gave my ribs a very bad bruise. Maybe even a fracture. I turned to see the snowman's body dragging me back, trying to pry me from my sisters arm. Surprisingly enough, my sister was strong enough to keep a hold on me. I cried bloody murder as the twig fingers began to dig into my skin, drawing blood onto the snow.
Claire than let go of my hands I cried as the snowman started getting a better hold of me. Soon, I was underneath the snowman and his sharp twig nails were just about to thrash into my face when a snowball suddenly came flying by and knocked him back. For something so tough, he sure couldn't withstand snow balls, I thought. I turned to my sister and tried to get up. I tumbled a little bit, but she kept me from falling face first into the bitter, cold ground. The snowman's body tried to get up but fell back down and it's bottom half broke into. The snowman's head in the fence cried, but it's whimpers soon turned into growls and swears.
My sister soon stole my attention and pointed towards the shed. I shook my head and we sprinted to the fence. I grabbed the door and slid it open without a sound. But the air was soon filled with screams once more. My other friends were in the shed. No, the dead bodies of my other friends were in the shed. I fell back and Charles glasses broke beneath my arm, sending glass through my skin. I cried out in pain.
The snowman's head was struggling in the fence. Then it fell from the fence and rolled over to my sister. Instantly I kicked it, bringing pain to my foot and it began rolling fast, towards the house. To my sister and my dismay, a twig stuck itself into the snowman's head. Then it re-attached itself together and the snowman was half the size it was before but it was still able to make it's way around. It howled into the night and started after me and my sister. I shot up, biting my lip to hold back the cry of pain.
Claire and I began running towards the house, but the snowman cut us off in our tracks. We started running towards the front of the house again, and Claire was torn from my arms. I tried to get her back but she wasn't freed sadly. Her screams were cut off at the sound of her spine breaking. A single tear slid down my cheek, but it was mainly from the pain. That tear started the flow. Tears began to warm my cheeks and my vision was blurry. I continued running in the same direction, even though I was unaware of my location. The snowman gave out a gruesome chuckle, a loud horn then blared through the air. I wiped the tears from my eyes, realized I was in the road, then turned to where the horn had come from and was blinded by two blaring lights.
My eyes opened to a dark room. I jumped up instantly but something tugged me back down. I turned to see what it was a noticed the I.V. going into my arm. My head was pounding. I then noticed my parents talking to a doctor outside an inside window. It was all a dream, I thought. I must've been sleep walking. Then I noticed something else. My mother was holding Claire's coat. Claire's bloody coat. It wasn't a dream! I thought. I began to hyperventilate. Then I began to wonder how I was still alive. How I survived getting hit by, a truck, I think it was. An annoying tapping on glass sound broke my train of thought and I looked around to see where it was coming from. My eyes came across a window with a tree branch hitting against it. I scoffed but then a thought shot into my head. I threw the warm hospital blanket off of me then realized I needed to bring the I.V. with me. I fiddled with the wires and finally got the I.V. to walk with me. The gold floor against my bear feet made me shiver and the fear of what I had thought the branch was attached to did also. I finally reached the window, dropped the I.V., and screamed.
"Happy Birthday Bitch!" The snowman growled and glass fell to the floor.
"Macy Lynn!" My mother called, peering her head out my front door.
I scoffed and waved goodbye to my friends as the made their way across the ice covered street.
"Yes mother," I replied.
"You didn't clean your room before you left like I had asked you!" She explained.
"Ugh, fine," I commented and she slammed the front door behind her.
My sister, Claire and her friend, Harvey were dancing around the snowman they had built. It's smile was huge, posture jolly, and it's eyes soulless and unmindful. A grim smile grew across my face and I knelt down behind the snowman quietly. I made a hard ball of iced snow in my hands then thrust it at the snowman's head.
"Frosty!" Claire and Harvey cried.
I stuck my tongue out as the little kids began to piece back together the remains. As I wiped my feet on the rug outside the front door, trying to pry the snow from my boots, I turned back to look at the children in dismay. I had no clue to why, but it made me happy. Then I noticed a minor detail on the fallen snowman's face. His smile was gone and it was a frown. I laughed as I thought of the children trying to frighten me for what I had done. My sister was always trying to scare me. I scoffed and let the front door slam behind me.
It had been three hours since everyone fell asleep and was exactly 10:06p.m. at that time. I freed myself from the warm blankets, into the frost biting air. I slipped by winter boots on, trying not to make the slightest of sounds. My sister was a very light sleeper and if she woke up my mother would know of my sneaking out in an instant. Even if I tried to cover my tracks, nothing would work. Nothing would matter. They wouldn't believe a word I said, sixteen year old me, against an eight year old's word.
I turned my bedroom door knob without any sound but as I opened the door a tiny creek uttered through the air. I gasped and held my breath listening for any sign of movement. To my fortune, the tiny creek hadn't woken anybody. I made my way through my house swiftly without any noise and grabbed my winter coat from beside the front door. I pulled out my phone and blinded myself with the bright light.
Me: You outside.
There was no instant reply from Charles but seconds later the speech bubble showed up. I waited a few seconds but grew too impatient and dug my phone back into the coat pocket. I peeked through the window blinds but before I could see anything my phone vibrated.
Charles: Turn around.
I was dumbfounded to why he had demanded this but I followed through. I flung around and a slight gasp came out of my mouth as Charles' strong arms wrapped around me. I punched him and he lip said "Ow!"
I stuck out my tongue and then he embraced me once again. His lips found mine and filled me with warmth. He kissed me passionately right after then tried to slip his tongue between my teeth, but I pushed him away. Okay, maybe Charles and I were a little bit more than friends.
"At the party," I explained. "I wanna get out of here as soon as possible."
I turned and knelt down to spy outside the blinds and came eye to eye with the snowman. He was standing right beside the tree where the little ones had built him at earlier. Maybe the kids put him back together, I thought. Then I noticed he still had a frown.
"That stupid snowman," I whispered. "I wish they would've left him decapitated on the ground."
"What snowman?" Charles asked.
"The one out front," I informed him.
"I must not of noticed it," he shrugged. "Come on babe, lets go."
A strange thought griped my mind but I dusted it off my shoulders. It was a very silly and impossible thought. Snowmen can't come to life. Snowmen can't hold grudges. Snowmen can't feel the need for revenge. Could they, I had asked myself.
Charles and I made our way to the backdoor and got out of the house without making a sound. We were about to turn the corner to the front yard when I noticed something. Something dark and black. Except it wasn't black it was red.
"Charles! There's b-b-b-blood on the G-G-G-ground!" I shivered.
"What?! Where?!" He asked, now as curious as I was.
I pointed to the long line of blood that disappeared into the distance and we looked to each other's curious eyes. Before anyone gave any ideas I already began to walk. The low crunch of snow under my feet. I walked around the blood, holding my arms to myself, shivering. Charles followed behind me not too soon after. It led us deeper into my back yard until we found the trails end. Which just happened to be at the entrance to my shed.
The shed's doors were creeks open, but we couldn't see what was inside because it was so dark and the snow falling around us was blurring our vision. Especially Charles' since he wore glasses. When we reached the shed, we noticed scratch marks covering the door and the lock was missing. Charles reached to open the door, but then we heard the crunch of the snow once more. But it wasn't us. We were standing still. We turned to see a small shadow coming towards us. I soon made out who it was.
"Claire?! What the hell are you doing it here?!" I demanded.
I stomped angrily over to my little shivering sister in her winter coat, pajamas, and slippers.
"I came looking for you," She quivered. "You woke me up! The second meanest thing you've done to me today!"
I scoffed and commented, "Go back insi-" but then I was cut off by Charles' screams. We turned and noticed Charles being lifted into the air by a dark shadow who's identity was concealed by the darkness and blurting snow. Then a loud snap filled the air and Charles' body plummeted tot he ground, but not his head. Blood began to soak the snow surrounding Charles' body, the night was filled with Clair's screams and cries, and I was filled with fear.
I began running and dragging Clair behind me at the same time. The shadow that was atop the shed just seconds ago had disappeared. The snow crunched under our feet but that's all we heard. We began to come to a slow, I was losing my breath.
"Macy we have to run!" Clair warned and tugged and cried.
I leaned my hand on the old wooden fence for a measly second until suddenly to large medium size branch like hands burst through the fence and began scratching at me. One little scratch was bestowed across my cheek but Clair and I got away before anything else could happen. We began trotting towards the front yard.
This can't actually be happening, I thought to myself. Snowmen don't come to life. Snowmen don't hold grudges. Snowmen don't want revenge. Charles isn't dead. We made it to the front yard and my theory was correct. Not the theory I was hoping to be proven though. The snowman wasn't in his place and where he had been was a puddle of frozen blood. Clair was readying herself to scream but I enclosed her mouth with my gloved hand. I heard crunching and low growls. I heard the snowman inching closer on his prey. I heard the snowman inching closer on me. My eyes searched everywhere. I couldn't see him. Then I heard something crack. My head flipped up and there he was. The snowman was plummeting down onto both Claire and I.
Luckily, we were able to run before the thing could land. He growled and began sliding after us. We made another turn and we thought we could make it away over the backyard fence. I turned to make sure the snowman wasn't gaining up on us and he was holding his head in his hands. An eerie grin grew upon his face and I began shoving Claire to move faster.
"Woo-Hoo!" the snowman growled as his head flew past mine.
His head busted into the fence. A smile actually came across my face but was son replaced with fear when something began to drag me back. I fell on my stomach hard, a hard piece of ice thrashing into me. It didn't impale me just gave my ribs a very bad bruise. Maybe even a fracture. I turned to see the snowman's body dragging me back, trying to pry me from my sisters arm. Surprisingly enough, my sister was strong enough to keep a hold on me. I cried bloody murder as the twig fingers began to dig into my skin, drawing blood onto the snow.
Claire than let go of my hands I cried as the snowman started getting a better hold of me. Soon, I was underneath the snowman and his sharp twig nails were just about to thrash into my face when a snowball suddenly came flying by and knocked him back. For something so tough, he sure couldn't withstand snow balls, I thought. I turned to my sister and tried to get up. I tumbled a little bit, but she kept me from falling face first into the bitter, cold ground. The snowman's body tried to get up but fell back down and it's bottom half broke into. The snowman's head in the fence cried, but it's whimpers soon turned into growls and swears.
My sister soon stole my attention and pointed towards the shed. I shook my head and we sprinted to the fence. I grabbed the door and slid it open without a sound. But the air was soon filled with screams once more. My other friends were in the shed. No, the dead bodies of my other friends were in the shed. I fell back and Charles glasses broke beneath my arm, sending glass through my skin. I cried out in pain.
The snowman's head was struggling in the fence. Then it fell from the fence and rolled over to my sister. Instantly I kicked it, bringing pain to my foot and it began rolling fast, towards the house. To my sister and my dismay, a twig stuck itself into the snowman's head. Then it re-attached itself together and the snowman was half the size it was before but it was still able to make it's way around. It howled into the night and started after me and my sister. I shot up, biting my lip to hold back the cry of pain.
Claire and I began running towards the house, but the snowman cut us off in our tracks. We started running towards the front of the house again, and Claire was torn from my arms. I tried to get her back but she wasn't freed sadly. Her screams were cut off at the sound of her spine breaking. A single tear slid down my cheek, but it was mainly from the pain. That tear started the flow. Tears began to warm my cheeks and my vision was blurry. I continued running in the same direction, even though I was unaware of my location. The snowman gave out a gruesome chuckle, a loud horn then blared through the air. I wiped the tears from my eyes, realized I was in the road, then turned to where the horn had come from and was blinded by two blaring lights.
My eyes opened to a dark room. I jumped up instantly but something tugged me back down. I turned to see what it was a noticed the I.V. going into my arm. My head was pounding. I then noticed my parents talking to a doctor outside an inside window. It was all a dream, I thought. I must've been sleep walking. Then I noticed something else. My mother was holding Claire's coat. Claire's bloody coat. It wasn't a dream! I thought. I began to hyperventilate. Then I began to wonder how I was still alive. How I survived getting hit by, a truck, I think it was. An annoying tapping on glass sound broke my train of thought and I looked around to see where it was coming from. My eyes came across a window with a tree branch hitting against it. I scoffed but then a thought shot into my head. I threw the warm hospital blanket off of me then realized I needed to bring the I.V. with me. I fiddled with the wires and finally got the I.V. to walk with me. The gold floor against my bear feet made me shiver and the fear of what I had thought the branch was attached to did also. I finally reached the window, dropped the I.V., and screamed.
"Happy Birthday Bitch!" The snowman growled and glass fell to the floor.