The Shaking Bathroom Door

Horror Stories - The Shaking Bathroom Door
Around one month ago (14th May 2016) I arrived in Philippines for working purposes, to be exact at Makati City. There are two more people who came here with me, we are staying at a condominium in 20th floor. We are working in shift, whereas I work in night shift while the other two work in the morning shift.

Nothing happens there until my stay in the third week. I used to experience some ghost prank and sleep paralysis for hours in the past. One afternoon in the third week, I wake up from my sleep. While half asleep, I splash some water to my face, the coldness of the water wakes me like magic. A few minutes after that I lock the bathroom door since I want to take a shower until "something" catch my attention. The door shakes as if someone is trying their best to push the door from the outside.

Thinking that my co-worker is playing pranks on me, I just open the door and ready to knock them. But there's nobody after I open it. Our room is not that large, in front the bathroom you can see the bed directly, walk further to the back and a small living room equipped with the front door can be found.

I am roaming the room and open up the wardrobe to see whether they are hiding, minutes after the search it's clear that nobody is in the room except me. Perhaps I'm still half asleep to see the door shake without any reason, I walk back and enter the bathroom once more. Just when I lock the door and turn back from it, the shaking begins, and this time it's so loud enough as if someone is banging the door.

My feet almost lost its power when see it with my own eyes. I am scared to the core, just imagine you are alone in this apartment room with some creepy event happen right in front of your eyes. My hand trembles, but I need to open the door. But still nobody can be seen. I sit on the bed while trying to catch some air. Thinking of some logic explaining before counted this as a supernatural stuff, I closed the door from the outside.

The window inside is locked tight and a light AC is turned on. Wonder how the door can shake in this condition, then with all my might I push it from the outside, but it won't even budge an inch. My hand roaming through the door and my eyes open wide after I find the method how to make the door "shake" so hard. You need to grab the door handle, turn it down, then push the door and it shakes like before.

I may dig my own grave after losing any logical explanation, and all that's left is, this is some "ghost" prank. Realized that I need to take shower so bad, I walk back and locked the door once more. And like some child's prank, it shakes again, I open and no one can be seen, I locked and another shakes came again.

Fed up with it, I just ignore it and take my shower. The shaking, keep happening for some minutes. And it stopped after I'm done washing. Since that incident, it never happen again, but it happen again with another "prank" in less than 2 weeks after that shaking door event!

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