Dentist Photos: Teeth.jpg Part 3
Horror Stories - Dentist Photos: Teeth.jpg Part 3
Previous story, Dentist Photos: Teeth.jpg Part 2.
It sent chills up my spine. I knew that whatever was inside would have a connection to the image I found on the computer..but what we saw was nothing we expected. It was a series of photographs. The first photo was a picture of what looked like an abandoned room of sorts. The walls were covered in old floral wallpaper and the floor was just damp wood. It looked like it hadn't been used in years. Then, the next photos were just pictures of tools and plastic tools. We then noticed that the tools were linked to dentistry. You know, like needles and drills. It was pretty creepy, but it was the next photos that made us both drain of colour.
It was just photos of Lilly smiling.
We flipped through every single photo of Lilly, and in each one she had her big toothy smile. Such a sweet smile, one of her most distinct features was her large front tooth. Just her left one. We always found it cute..but now it was no laughing matter. We noticed on the back of the photographs there were labels, and each tooth on each photo was marked. There we notes on the photos that said things like "remove" or "replace".
It knocked Josh sick, and I was more terrified now than ever. We knew that we couldn't confront Daniel about these photos, it would get us nowhere. We just sat in silence for a long time, staring at the photos with disbelief. I then remembered the ticket I had found and stuffed in my pocket. I reached into my pocket with a shaky hand and pulled it out, bringing to my vision. It read:
Group Ticket: 2
Location: Station Road
Time|Date 28/09/2011 - 11:34pm
We both looked at each other with firm gazes. That was just yesterday evening. We knew exactly what we had to do now. We had to find where Lilly was. We never saw Daniel for the rest of the evening, and Josh had become incredibly paranoid. He asked if he could sleep in my room tonight, although I thought it was a bit awkward I didn't mind. I mean he was scared real bad, so I didn't want to leave him alone like that. When Josh was sleeping, I printed off the disturbing image for referencing then I had spent most of the night planning for the next day.
I had already emailed our lectures letting them know we weren't going to show up because we "felt sick" and I checked how far away Station Road was. To my surprise it was only an hours drive away. So I figured we could take Josh's car up to Station Road and figure out the location where Daniel and Lilly have been from there.
The whole time I kept staring at the teeth.jpg image. A horrible thought crept into my mind. I didn't want to think about it but it could have been a possibility. Was the person in the picture Lilly? Every time I thought about it I'd shake it off, telling myself I was just paranoid..but it would all add up. The timing, the would all make sense. I didn't want to believe it, and I certainly wasn't going to until we found Lilly.
The next morning myself and Josh got up at around 6:00am. We wanted to be out of the dorm before Daniel woke up, and we made sure to lock our own doors. We also decided to take Lilly's phone with us. We didn't want to leave anything behind that would indicate that we were suspicious. We left the dorm and got into Josh's car. I had brought a long a small bag full of different things such as the photographs, a flash light, a camera and a note-pad with a pen. We loaded ourselves into the car and made our way towards Station Road. We were able to pin-point it with my mobile GPS.
When we got there, we found that we were in a rather abandoned looking area of town. The place was practically deserted. All we could see were tall crumbling buildings and little empty houses. We taken out the photo of the room, and began to walk up to each little house. We pressed our faces to the glass to see if we could make out the floral wallpaper like the room in the photograph. We spent a good few hours doing this. Nothing. We were getting pretty angry at this point. We just wanted to get Lilly back. Josh got so angry that he walked up to one of the house walls, kicking it harshly as he shouted from the top of his lungs. "Daniel you sick bastard!"
Just as he kicked the wall one last time, we noticed the wall began to tear. Like paper. Josh looked down at his foot and realised he had tore what looked like a piece of painted paper away from the stone wall. He then began to rip away the remaining pieces of paper only to reveal what looked like an outdoor basement. The doors were rustic and scratched, but we noticed that the metallic handle was if it had been tampered with. Josh looked over his shoulder to me, and I gave him a nod. I quickly took a photo of the layout of this basement-like thing. Josh then walked down to the doors and gave them a push, and to both of our surprise the doors were simply blocked by a plank of wood; which Josh was able to push away with ease. We then pushed opened the doors slowly and cautiously. Who knows what could be kept in here? It was obviously hidden for some reason.
If only we knew what was was coming, perhaps it would have saved us both from throwing up. As we stepped inside, we were met with a rancid odour. Neither of us knew what the smell was, but we know it made us both feel instantly sick. Josh gagged and coughed; covering his face with his shirt. I swallowed back vomit as I continued to walk. I pulled out my flashlight and shined it inside the pitch-black stone room. I continued to walk, and we heard nothing. As we walked further into the room the smell only thickened. It was getting so bad that Josh threw up behind me. He quickly composed himself and stumbled back upright before we continued. As I looked around the room; my eyes met with something on the floor that made me heart race and the flash light drop from my grasp.
It was Lilly's knitted sweater. It was the sweater she always wore when we went out for pizza or to go bowling, it was the same grey sweater with the same little torn threads on her sleeves where she would chew on it. I could see Josh from the corner of my eye; his eyes just as wide as mine as all the last of colour drained from his face. I picked up the sweater slowly, holding it up in front of me when I noticed there was a large and thick blood stain soaking all the way through the jumper. It started thick from the collar and became thinner as it went down the sweater.
I was now the one to throw up; I collapsed onto my knees..puking heavily. I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know what to think. I soon maintained myself and stood up again, holding the flashlight as I put the sweater in my bag. Through blurred, teary eyes I pressed on. I found nothing from where I was standing and I heard a small light switch flicker on from behind me as red light filled the corner of the room..and then I heard him.
Josh screamed louder than anything I had ever heard before. My stomach was in knots as I shined my light to where he was standing. He was standing over a large black table. I watched him just stand there in complete terror, as if he was frozen. I could only imagine what he was looking at, and I truly wished I left it to my imagination.
I walked over to his side, there I laid my eyes on the sight before me. It was Lilly. She was strapped down onto a table, wearing nothing but her jeans. Her body was covered in thick layers of tape; keeping her strapped down. One of her arms dangled down to one of her sides; but the other arm was nowhere to be seen. In replacement was just a taped up stub with stains of blood under it. I could hardly breath, my stomach was now so knotted and my breathing so tight all I could do was stare. I looked up at Lilly's face. Her head had been forced back, and we could see that her innocent blue eyes had been violently gouged out; and in replacement was thick black wax that filled up the empty eye sockets. Her nose had been contorted and broken, snapped in many places...but the worst part of it all was her mouth.
Her jaw had been forced open, and we could see her mouth had also been filled with the same black wax. Her teeth had been ripped out and misplaced in all different directions. I then noticed how her mouth had been stretched upright, her cheek tearing to reveal more teeth that had been pulled from her mouth. It gave her a contorted, horrible smile. Her face was covered in streams of her own dried up blood. I stared at the hand that was holding the mouth open. It was her own. Her own hand had been stitched to the ripped cheek. The flesh was torn and falling apart under her nails. Her nails were cracked and chipped; with staples and little threads holding the hand in place. The red fluorescent light created horrific shadows and highlighted every grotesque feature that now was on Lilly's face.
I silently and numbly pulled out the picture of "teeth.jpg" and stared at it, then back to the real thing. They were identical. Josh brought a shaky hand over Lilly's cheek; before he collapsed by the side of the table. I could hear him sobbing horrendously by her side, before he passed out beside me. I too felt like I was on the brink of collapsing, but something caught my attention.
I could feel the presence of someone else coming into the room..but I already knew who it was... and I knew now there was nothing we could do about it. I heard the doors slam shut, and the plank of wood being placed over the door. I heard the sound of footsteps. I heard them inch closer and closer, until I could feel their presence behind me. I knew he was there, and I knew that there was no way out. I heard their voice speak very faintly behind me.
"I'm sorry you had to find out this way..but it's okay. It's all for the sake of art."
But that wasn't what made me collapse. I knew well enough from here that my fate was sealed but, after he finished speaking I heard one more tiny sound that made my heart both ache, and my tears only stream further down my numb cheeks; before my vision faded away from me and my hands slip away from the table. I could hear Lilly choking.
It sent chills up my spine. I knew that whatever was inside would have a connection to the image I found on the computer..but what we saw was nothing we expected. It was a series of photographs. The first photo was a picture of what looked like an abandoned room of sorts. The walls were covered in old floral wallpaper and the floor was just damp wood. It looked like it hadn't been used in years. Then, the next photos were just pictures of tools and plastic tools. We then noticed that the tools were linked to dentistry. You know, like needles and drills. It was pretty creepy, but it was the next photos that made us both drain of colour.
It was just photos of Lilly smiling.
We flipped through every single photo of Lilly, and in each one she had her big toothy smile. Such a sweet smile, one of her most distinct features was her large front tooth. Just her left one. We always found it cute..but now it was no laughing matter. We noticed on the back of the photographs there were labels, and each tooth on each photo was marked. There we notes on the photos that said things like "remove" or "replace".
It knocked Josh sick, and I was more terrified now than ever. We knew that we couldn't confront Daniel about these photos, it would get us nowhere. We just sat in silence for a long time, staring at the photos with disbelief. I then remembered the ticket I had found and stuffed in my pocket. I reached into my pocket with a shaky hand and pulled it out, bringing to my vision. It read:
Group Ticket: 2
Location: Station Road
Time|Date 28/09/2011 - 11:34pm
We both looked at each other with firm gazes. That was just yesterday evening. We knew exactly what we had to do now. We had to find where Lilly was. We never saw Daniel for the rest of the evening, and Josh had become incredibly paranoid. He asked if he could sleep in my room tonight, although I thought it was a bit awkward I didn't mind. I mean he was scared real bad, so I didn't want to leave him alone like that. When Josh was sleeping, I printed off the disturbing image for referencing then I had spent most of the night planning for the next day.
I had already emailed our lectures letting them know we weren't going to show up because we "felt sick" and I checked how far away Station Road was. To my surprise it was only an hours drive away. So I figured we could take Josh's car up to Station Road and figure out the location where Daniel and Lilly have been from there.
The whole time I kept staring at the teeth.jpg image. A horrible thought crept into my mind. I didn't want to think about it but it could have been a possibility. Was the person in the picture Lilly? Every time I thought about it I'd shake it off, telling myself I was just paranoid..but it would all add up. The timing, the would all make sense. I didn't want to believe it, and I certainly wasn't going to until we found Lilly.
The next morning myself and Josh got up at around 6:00am. We wanted to be out of the dorm before Daniel woke up, and we made sure to lock our own doors. We also decided to take Lilly's phone with us. We didn't want to leave anything behind that would indicate that we were suspicious. We left the dorm and got into Josh's car. I had brought a long a small bag full of different things such as the photographs, a flash light, a camera and a note-pad with a pen. We loaded ourselves into the car and made our way towards Station Road. We were able to pin-point it with my mobile GPS.
When we got there, we found that we were in a rather abandoned looking area of town. The place was practically deserted. All we could see were tall crumbling buildings and little empty houses. We taken out the photo of the room, and began to walk up to each little house. We pressed our faces to the glass to see if we could make out the floral wallpaper like the room in the photograph. We spent a good few hours doing this. Nothing. We were getting pretty angry at this point. We just wanted to get Lilly back. Josh got so angry that he walked up to one of the house walls, kicking it harshly as he shouted from the top of his lungs. "Daniel you sick bastard!"
Just as he kicked the wall one last time, we noticed the wall began to tear. Like paper. Josh looked down at his foot and realised he had tore what looked like a piece of painted paper away from the stone wall. He then began to rip away the remaining pieces of paper only to reveal what looked like an outdoor basement. The doors were rustic and scratched, but we noticed that the metallic handle was if it had been tampered with. Josh looked over his shoulder to me, and I gave him a nod. I quickly took a photo of the layout of this basement-like thing. Josh then walked down to the doors and gave them a push, and to both of our surprise the doors were simply blocked by a plank of wood; which Josh was able to push away with ease. We then pushed opened the doors slowly and cautiously. Who knows what could be kept in here? It was obviously hidden for some reason.
If only we knew what was was coming, perhaps it would have saved us both from throwing up. As we stepped inside, we were met with a rancid odour. Neither of us knew what the smell was, but we know it made us both feel instantly sick. Josh gagged and coughed; covering his face with his shirt. I swallowed back vomit as I continued to walk. I pulled out my flashlight and shined it inside the pitch-black stone room. I continued to walk, and we heard nothing. As we walked further into the room the smell only thickened. It was getting so bad that Josh threw up behind me. He quickly composed himself and stumbled back upright before we continued. As I looked around the room; my eyes met with something on the floor that made me heart race and the flash light drop from my grasp.
It was Lilly's knitted sweater. It was the sweater she always wore when we went out for pizza or to go bowling, it was the same grey sweater with the same little torn threads on her sleeves where she would chew on it. I could see Josh from the corner of my eye; his eyes just as wide as mine as all the last of colour drained from his face. I picked up the sweater slowly, holding it up in front of me when I noticed there was a large and thick blood stain soaking all the way through the jumper. It started thick from the collar and became thinner as it went down the sweater.
I was now the one to throw up; I collapsed onto my knees..puking heavily. I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know what to think. I soon maintained myself and stood up again, holding the flashlight as I put the sweater in my bag. Through blurred, teary eyes I pressed on. I found nothing from where I was standing and I heard a small light switch flicker on from behind me as red light filled the corner of the room..and then I heard him.
Josh screamed louder than anything I had ever heard before. My stomach was in knots as I shined my light to where he was standing. He was standing over a large black table. I watched him just stand there in complete terror, as if he was frozen. I could only imagine what he was looking at, and I truly wished I left it to my imagination.
I walked over to his side, there I laid my eyes on the sight before me. It was Lilly. She was strapped down onto a table, wearing nothing but her jeans. Her body was covered in thick layers of tape; keeping her strapped down. One of her arms dangled down to one of her sides; but the other arm was nowhere to be seen. In replacement was just a taped up stub with stains of blood under it. I could hardly breath, my stomach was now so knotted and my breathing so tight all I could do was stare. I looked up at Lilly's face. Her head had been forced back, and we could see that her innocent blue eyes had been violently gouged out; and in replacement was thick black wax that filled up the empty eye sockets. Her nose had been contorted and broken, snapped in many places...but the worst part of it all was her mouth.
Her jaw had been forced open, and we could see her mouth had also been filled with the same black wax. Her teeth had been ripped out and misplaced in all different directions. I then noticed how her mouth had been stretched upright, her cheek tearing to reveal more teeth that had been pulled from her mouth. It gave her a contorted, horrible smile. Her face was covered in streams of her own dried up blood. I stared at the hand that was holding the mouth open. It was her own. Her own hand had been stitched to the ripped cheek. The flesh was torn and falling apart under her nails. Her nails were cracked and chipped; with staples and little threads holding the hand in place. The red fluorescent light created horrific shadows and highlighted every grotesque feature that now was on Lilly's face.
I silently and numbly pulled out the picture of "teeth.jpg" and stared at it, then back to the real thing. They were identical. Josh brought a shaky hand over Lilly's cheek; before he collapsed by the side of the table. I could hear him sobbing horrendously by her side, before he passed out beside me. I too felt like I was on the brink of collapsing, but something caught my attention.
I could feel the presence of someone else coming into the room..but I already knew who it was... and I knew now there was nothing we could do about it. I heard the doors slam shut, and the plank of wood being placed over the door. I heard the sound of footsteps. I heard them inch closer and closer, until I could feel their presence behind me. I knew he was there, and I knew that there was no way out. I heard their voice speak very faintly behind me.
"I'm sorry you had to find out this way..but it's okay. It's all for the sake of art."
But that wasn't what made me collapse. I knew well enough from here that my fate was sealed but, after he finished speaking I heard one more tiny sound that made my heart both ache, and my tears only stream further down my numb cheeks; before my vision faded away from me and my hands slip away from the table. I could hear Lilly choking.