Mysterious Video Tape

Horror Stories - Mysterious Video Tape
Years ago, there was a group of three girls that went to highschool together. They were all my best friends, and on night during the summer holidays, we decided to have a sleepover party. They spent all day planning their sleepover and, because they were all horror fans, they decided to rent a scary movie.

It was late at night when the three girls piled into a car and drove to their local video rental store, but it was closed. The girls spent the next half hour driving around town, looking for a video store that was still open.

Eventually they found a small shop located in a side street and went inside. The girls could not agree on a film to rent, so one of the girls came up to the women behind the counter and asked her if she had any suggestions. The women told her she had just the thing for them and
disappeared into the back room.

While they were waiting, one of the girls noticed a video tape lying on the counter. It didn't have a box cover or a label and it seemed to be very dirty and stained. She was curious to see what it was and reached out to pick it up.

Just then the women came running out from the back room slamming her hand down on the tape pulling it away. With a strange smile on her face she said "that's not something you girls should be watching."

When they asked her what it was, the women said not to touch it and all she would say was that it was a home movie. Then she handed them an old horror movie and told them that would be much better for them to watch.

Eventually, the girls agreed to rent the tape that the women suggested. While she was in the back room, searching for the film, one of the girls took the opportunity too swipe the mysterious video tape  and stuffed it in her purse.

Later that night, when the girls returned home, the girl who stole the tape took it out of her purse and convinced the other two to watch it. They put the tape in the video recorder and pressed play. All of a sudden the power went out and the room was plunged into darkness, however the television was still on.

With a crackle of static, the video started playing and, on the screen, they saw a women tied to a wooden stake. She was surrounded by angry men and women who were carrying burning touches. They were shouting and spitting on her and then they set fire to the wood beneath the woman's feet.

The women began laughing maniacally and the people started yelling out  things like "Burn the witch!" And "This is your punishment for practicing black magic!" As the flames rose higher and higher, licking at the woman's face, she screamed out a curse saying all who witnessed her death will suffer the same fate in two days time.

There was a screech of static and the VCR began making skipping sounds before it suddenly cut off. The terrifies girls sat in the dark for a long time until the power came back on. They tried to convince each other that it must have been some type of prank. After a while, they agreed that they should return the tape immediately.

When they arrived at the location of the video store, it was gone. All they found was an abandoned building and an empty lot. Two days later, all three of the girls were dead. The first girl was found floating in a swimming pool. Her body was burned beyond recognition. The charred remains of the second girl were discovered in the middle of a park and the third girl's body was found in a furnace.

When the police were investigating the mysterious deaths, they those ght it was a very strange coincidence that all three girls had burned to death on the same day. In each case, the police thought it had been spontaneous combustion, but the weirdest thing about it was that nothing around  them had even been single by the flames.

They found a trash can outside the house of one of the girls. It had been set on fire and was burned out. Everything inside it was destroyed except for a video tape, which had been inexplicably left untouched by the flames.

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