Cosmetic Sesame
Horror Stories - Cosmetic Sesame
Nowadays everyone tries there very best to look good and have clean nice skin. But what's scaring some people is how far people will go to achieve that beauty look they desire. Here is a famous urban legend from Korea that will surely freak you out at least a little with the name of "Cosmetic Sesame." You might give cosmetics a new look after you read this story.
Here is how the story goes: There was once a girl who was extremely conscious about her looks. She had always been determined to always look very beautiful, and would try any kind of beauty secret she could find. One day she had heard of a new beauty treatment from someone who professed that is was good for the skin sayin that it would leave it smooth and silky. The beauty treatment involved mixing sesame seeds in your bath water and immersing in it for a couple of hours.
The girl was very excited to try the new treatment out, and rushed home to try it out. When several hours had passed, and still the girl had not come out from the bathroom, her mother began to get very worried. But every time her mother would ask the girl to come out of the bathroom, the only reply she would get was "just a moment." In the end the mother couldn't contain herself any longer and had forced open the bathroom door, she was shocked at what she saw.
The sesame seeds had covered her daughters body; it had grown roots and has latched onto her skin between every wrinkle and every pore. The girl who was mad at the fact that she lost her beauty was sitting in a corner and was desperately trying to remove the seeds with a toothpick. The legend is truly effective to giving chill bumps to readers. So before you try any new treatments or get to caught up on your looks you might wanna read this and reconsider some things.
Here is how the story goes: There was once a girl who was extremely conscious about her looks. She had always been determined to always look very beautiful, and would try any kind of beauty secret she could find. One day she had heard of a new beauty treatment from someone who professed that is was good for the skin sayin that it would leave it smooth and silky. The beauty treatment involved mixing sesame seeds in your bath water and immersing in it for a couple of hours.
The girl was very excited to try the new treatment out, and rushed home to try it out. When several hours had passed, and still the girl had not come out from the bathroom, her mother began to get very worried. But every time her mother would ask the girl to come out of the bathroom, the only reply she would get was "just a moment." In the end the mother couldn't contain herself any longer and had forced open the bathroom door, she was shocked at what she saw.
The sesame seeds had covered her daughters body; it had grown roots and has latched onto her skin between every wrinkle and every pore. The girl who was mad at the fact that she lost her beauty was sitting in a corner and was desperately trying to remove the seeds with a toothpick. The legend is truly effective to giving chill bumps to readers. So before you try any new treatments or get to caught up on your looks you might wanna read this and reconsider some things.