The Legend of Die Wahrsagerin
Horror Stories - The Legend of Die Wahrsagerin
Die Wahrsagerin is a legend from Germany about the two girls who meet a strange psychic. In German, Die Wahrsagerin means psychic or fortune teller. There are two girls who is an best friends and they were about 20 years of age. Because both are single, so they decide to vacation together. They then bought a ticket to Germany and chose to visit the city of Dresden in there.
On the first day of vacation, of this girl go for a walk around Altsatdt (Old Town) Dresden to find out the history of the town and visit some places usually visited by the tourist. One of the girls could speak German, so She had always been a translator for her friend, informs the meaning of the signs and the names of places she saw.
That afternoon, when they were on their way home to the hotel, both passing through the area Neustadt (New Town). When through the streets that were there, one of the two girls saw an old cemetery and asked her friend what if they enter into it for a moment to look around.
A sign are posted at the gates of the cemetery was inscribed "Judischer Alter Friedhof". The girl enter into it and down the land barren and deserted at the cemetery. They were reading some writings in the ancient gravestones that were there, when one of the tombstones that attract their attention.
A statement written on a tombstone that inscribed with:
"Henriette Moosbach. Verurteilt zum Tode durch den Strafgericht in 1776. Gekopft wegen Mord an 11 Frauen".
(Henriette Moosbach. Sentenced to death by the Criminal Court in 1776. Guilty of the murders of 11 women).
When the sky starting to get dark the two girls and then continue their journey to the hotel. They had just walked a short distance when passing a street market. Shops are standing along the edge of the road there, with every shop that sells a wide variety of food, drinks, clothing and jewelry.
They also noticed a small tent stood at the end of the passageways. The tent was decorated quite garish and there was an ugly old lady standing outside. A sign at the entrance says, "kostenlos psychische Messwerte" (Forecasting The fate for free).
One of the girls were was very interested in horoscopes, divination of fate and see the future. They then decided to take the offer of a free fortune-telling old woman, who quickly escorted them into the tent. One of the girls did not speak German, so she just waited outside and have a look the goods sold in the street market stalls beside him.
After driving around for about ten minutes, she was began impatiently. After twenty minutes, she was began to wonder why her friend was very long time. She had bought Bratwurst (fried sausage), Zwiebelbrot (Garlic Bread), and Käsekuchen (Cheese Cake) from stores. Caught a glimpse at her wristwatch, made him realize that her friend was in the fortune-telling tent for 45 minutes.
Bored and could not wait to get back to the hotel, she was tried to contact her friend on her cell phone and asked when the forecast session ends. But when contacted, there was no answer. She was then approached the fortune teller's tent, and when looking down she found a dark red liquid on the ground, out of the end of the tent. She was frightened when she realized that the liquid was blood.
She was increasingly controlled by fear. As she stood there, a pool of blood that has spread around her feet. She then looked around and found himself being observed by the seller at other stores with a cynical grin on their faces.
Frightened, the girl dropped the entire goods and fled as soon as she was could. She ran stumbling through the street, dashed out the alley, and breaking up of people that covered her way. She did not know where to go, that she knew was to run from that terrible market.
At last, the girl was stopped at a place, with its breath wheezing. Yet had time to overcome the feeling of tired, she was was surprised to find she was standing in the Cemeteries again. Seeing tombstone in front of him, she was gasped when she saw the name "Henriette Mossbach".
She does not understand German writing, but when observing the writing on the gravestone, her blood seemed to freeze in her veins.
"Henriette Moosbach. Verurteilt zum Tode durch den Strafgericht in 1776. Gekopft wegen Mord an 12 Frauen"