Painting of a Beautiful Woman

Horror Stories - Painting of a Beautiful Woman
The story is about a strange painting found in a school. If you are observant, this story can be very scary. Let's see if you can find the weirdness. One day I was assigned to clean the art room at the school. I want to go home as soon as possible, so I do it quickly when I noticed a painting hanging on the wall. It depicts a woman who is very pretty but a bit scary, and there was a suspicious view implicit from her eyes.

It was like being stared at by a spy. I feel a bit scared so I soon completing my job and went home. The next day of school experienced a noise. Painting at the art room was stolen. Because I was last person to see, an art teacher then called me to ask some questions.

"So you say the painting was still there when you clean up."

"True. Is it expensive painting? "

"The painting was titled 'Sleeping Beauty' and it was given by my friend who is an artist. He described it to see her daughter who was sleeping. The painting was not expensive. But neither the painter and her daughter is dead."

"Oh I understand"

The painting was then never found. Surprisingly they did not find any traces of the thief or someone who chisel in on the school.

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