The Curious Ghost of Ileana

Horror Stories - The Curious Ghost of Ileana
In the forest of Radovan in Romania there is a story that told about the ghost of a woman who haunts the forest over the years. Reportedly, the ghost of a woman was always haunt around the woods, disrupt the man who passed that way by riding the vehicle, and then disappear when go unnoticed. The ghost of the woman will stop you if you go into the woods, to frighten you off. If you knew her, you would know that she the Bride from of Radovan.

This legend existing since many decades ago to the present. Peoples will not forget how the dark stories happened in Radovan, which eventually became the background of story the Midnight in the city the Bride Radovan. A sad story in which a pretty girl never found peacefulness even after her death.

This legend began in the 1940's, where it has been lived a beautiful girl named Ileana. At the spring of that year, 17-year-old young girl was leaving her village in Moldova to earn money in Radovan, Romania. She came to the city with one of her sisters and then get a job in one of the houses in Marin Mitran. When she first came on the scene, all the men struck by the beauty of Ileana and immediately wanted to approach him. However, Ileana has been determined to earn money in that place and not think about the others, especially having to deal with men. All she knew was looking for money to support their families which needy in Moldova.

After a long time lived in Marin, some men always want to approach him, but again, always refused. Somehow the misfortune finally befall that beautiful girl. Suddenly at the time, Ileana has been raped by one man who declined and is now pregnant with her child. Despite denied it, Ileana was not able to fight the stigma against folks. At that time, a woman which is pregnant and without a husband, was always regarded as a cursed woman and was not good.

Could not resist the shame she suffered, Ileana then out early from the house and went to the forest in Radovan. There, she hung around her neck on a tree and ended her own life. A few days later, the people at the Radovan found her body and assumed that Ileana doing it because she could not longer withstand the disgrace she had brought with the child in her womb.

When the bodies of Ileana, finally downgraded and the police come to inspect the body, they then decided to conduct an autopsy on him and find out whether she killed himself because of it. The police then calling a doctor to cut her belly and check her womb. People who saw it, then aghast to discover that Ileana was not pregnant. She was always honest with what she said, but a bad view of people against him had forced her to do it all. Basically, Ileana end her life without any mistakes she made. All the people who have done that to him, ended up in tears and regretful.

Even so, some from them still blame of Ileana for committing suicide. Suicide is a great sin, and those who do, there is no proper funeral for him, other than buried away without the blessing and prayers.

A tragic end to the life of Ileana, as if not the end of suffering. Once buried, some did visit her grave, but none from her family. Her brother just reported the death of Ileana at the Radovan, but no one can visit her because her family was very needy. Since then, not long after, the people began to tell the ghost sightings of Ileana around her funeral, and on the road that passes through Radovan woods in the middle of the night. They then know of Ileana as the Midnight the Bride from Radovan. Not only that, according to legend, anyone who knows the tragic story of her life, will also be haunted by the curious ghost of Ileana.

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