Just Saying Hello

Horror Stories - Just Saying Hello
My husband’s grandfather passed away on December 8, 1992. The loss was hard on all of us, although I couldn’t understand why I was so sad. The emotion felt inappropriate because I didn’t really know him like I had known my own grandparents.

I couldn’t shake this sense of sadness after several weeks had passed. One day, I was driving somewhere on my lunch hour when I began to think about why I was so down. Then I found myself stopping behind a black Toyota truck, which had stopped for a red light.

I happened to catch a blue bumper sticker that had the name Kamahamea printed on it in white lettering. Grandma! I thought with sudden realization. I had lost my grandmother in February of that year and didn’t realize that it was her that I was missing so much.

My grandparents moved to Honolulu shortly after my grandfather retired and lived there for six months before returning to the States. She told the story about King Kamahamea when I was little, but I had forgotten about it. Call me crazy, but I felt that it was her way of saying hello.

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