People Across The Block

Horror Stories - People Across The Block
My maternal grandma (short for grandmother) lives alone at Bedok North Road Block 1XX. My mom would go over to visit her regularly twice a week (Mondays and Saturdays) and on Wednesdays, she would fetch my grandma to my house at Siglap for dinner.

Somewhere in August on one of the regular Mondays, as usual my mom went over to my grandma's house. Like any daughter, she would always ask if she had been living well, did she had her meals on time, etc. As always my grandma would always reply that she was fine and well, apart from some 'old people sickness' (my grandma is 86 years old).

My grandma told my mom (they conversed in Cantonese) - "It's so strange lately, in the evening, a lot of people will come to the park across the block and just sit there, stand there, or even lie there. There's men, women and young kids as well. And they would be there throughout the whole night until the next morning where they'll go away. It's so strange! Don't they feel cold at night? And why don't they police chase them away?"

My mom did not think much of it and told my grandma - "Mind your own business."

Anyway, that matter was laid to rest and they didn't talk about it. Not until the week after, on a Wednesday, after having dinner at my home, my grandma brought the matter back again while they were sending her back home.

My mom, again, told my grandma to mind her own business. And once they dropped her off, my dad turned to my mom and said - "Isn't it the lunar 7th month? Could she be seeing things?"

My mom said - "Ok, let's test it out. Let's stay here till 10pm."

Therefore my parents drove around the vicinity like silly fools until it is 10pm, my mom then told my dad to park the car by the park while she walked to the park. She then gave my grandma a call.

When my grandma answered the phone, my mom told my grandma - "Go and take a look at the park from your window, do you see people loitering around?"

My grandma walked towards the window and said - "Aiyoh! So many people loitering around!"

My mom looked around the park surroundings, noone was there. My grandma then said - "Aiyoh, so many people loitering in the park!", my mom looked around again however there was noone, she freaked out and ran back to the car and told my dad to just drive home.

On the journey back, my dad chided my mom - "You keep telling your mother not to be a busybody, yet you are trying to be one, and now you have frightened yourself! Let this incident cool down, I'm sure once the lunar 7th month is over, your mom won't see such stuff anymore."

So my mom waited patiently till the lunar 7th month was over. She then resumed her visits, on one occassion, she brought mooncakes for her to eat. It was a long day and before she knew it, it was already 7 in the evening.

Unable to contain her concern, she asked - "So now, do you still see people loitering downstairs at the park?"

My grandma said - "Yes! They are still there!!"

Mom - "Really?!? How is it possible?"

Grandma - "You don't believe, I show you!"

The both of them went to the window and looked down at the park. My mum could not see anyone.

Mom - "Where? I don't see anybody!" Grandma - "Aiyah, can't you see? They're slowly coming out already!" Mom - "Err .. where?" Grandma - "Aiyoh! Do you see these 2 person sitting underneath that tree?" Mom - "Nooo...?" Grandma - "Tsk! I'm so old my eyesight is soo much better than yours! See! Those 2 under the tree?" My grandma then pointed down at one of the tree in the park.

Mom - "I can't see la." Grandma - "How can you not see? I can see so clearly, the two of them. See! They're even looking up at us right now!"

That was when my mom freaked out and dragged my grandma away from the window. After that incident, she warned my grandma not to look towards the park anymore and she told us not to mention about it ever again.

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