The Human-Faced Dog (Jinmenken)

Horror Stories - The Human-Faced Dog (Jinmenken)
A jinmenken, which roughly translates to "the human-faced dog", is a talking creature that has a human face instead of the typical face of a canine. They have been known to be able to speak and communicate with people. Some believe that they are the results of some sort of botched science experiment, while others think that they are the spirits of a unfortunate event.

Their appearances vary from reports, although many have described them as having the figure of a medium-sized dog. They are typically thought to feature dark fur and have an eerie look to them, According to reports, a jinmenken has a rather rude way of speaking and tends to not like the company of humans. It is said that in many cases, a jinmenken will ask a person to leave them alone, rarely holding a conversation for long.

Luckily, besides wanting some privacy, a jinmenken isn't that harmful and do not kill humans. At most, they have been known to chase cars around, reaching speeds of 60 miles per hour as they run. They are typically spotted in dark alleyways, stealthily moving down the streets of Japan.

Sometimes, the sighting of a jinmenken can be considered as a bad omen and could be seen before some tragic event. Some have also reported seeing one have claimed to feel a sense of dread or despair when they met its gaze.

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