The Strange Meat

Horror Stories - The Strange Meat

I heard this story once and I never ate meat again. In this small Montana town, back in the year of 1982, there lived a girl about 8 years old, named Miracle. She loved her life, and everything about it. No matter about her abusive parents, she cared for her
friends, alot more.

One day, her mom called her school, and told them to take her children to her auntie's house. Both Miracle and her little sister, Maria, were to go there after school. When Miracle had arrived at her sister's classroom to get her, her sister told her she had a dream that their mother would die. Miracle believed her sister at first and turned pale. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know if Maria was lying, or not?

When the bus pulled into their auntie's driveway, Maria screamed. She didn't want to get off the bus. She pulled Miracle's hair when Miracle tried to grab her. Even the bus driver had to help get Maria off of the bus. Miracle had to drag Maria to the house. Both girls were frightened.

Why was Maria acting like this? Still scared, Miracle told her auntie about what Maria had dreamed. Maria still hadn't come into the house. Her auntie, still drunk from her party earlier, told her boyfriend to drag her in. No use at first, but eventually they got her into the house, at around 10:30 pm.

Her mom still hadn't come after the girls. So Miracle got ready to sleep on the couch. Suddenly Maria screamed and cried. She was in her auntie's room, where her auntie had left her with her boyfriend. Miracle ran into the room, where on the bed, Maria lay fainted. Her aunties boyfriend, had taken her pants off.

Miracle ran downstairs crying, and the first thing she did was grab a knife. She ran back to the room, and stabbed the boyfriend in the leg. He pulled the knife out and threw it. When the auntie came back, her boyfriend, pretended to be asleep on the couch. Both Miracle and Maria were gone. The boyfriend told her that their parents had picked them up.

About a week or so later, the auntie noticed that there was new meat in the freezer. Odd, where'd I get all this? It didn't really matter as she liked it. She invited her relatives from nearby to come have dinner with them. The meals were so delicious and everybody enjoyed it.

Now eventually the house started to smell. The boyfriend kept eating the meat. He lied to the auntie and said it was deer meat. One night, the auntie had a odd dream. She dreamt that Miracle was all bloody and in a tight space. She awoke to screaming, her scream. Why was she so bloody? She went to turn on the lamp and she screamed. Her boyfriend, was all butchered up, as he lay next to her.

She called the police immediately. They came and tore open her house. Then and there, they found Maria and Miracle's bodies as well as their parent's bones. They never did figure out who had butchered up the boyfriend. But the main unanswered mystery was - Where was the meat?

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