Ritual: The Closet Game

Horror Stories - Ritual: The Closet Game
Instructions for how to play The Closet Game. Be sure to read all of the details this ritual. Play at your own risk.


1 principal.


1 closet.
1 match stick.


1. Begin at night.

2. Darken the room: Turn out the lights of the room in which the closet is located and draw the curtains. If the closet also has a light, make sure it, too, is turned off.

3. Make sure you have the match somewhere on your person.

4. Open the closet, step inside, and close the door. There should be no light visible, either inside the closet or outside of it.

5. Stand in the darkness for at least two minutes. Do not move. Do not speak.

6. After the two minutes are up, hold the match out in front of you. Speak the words, "Show me the light or leave me in darkness."

7. Listen closely.

» If you hear whispers in the darkness:

> Light the match immediately. Wait.

» If you hear nothing:

> Do not turn around. Wait.

8. If you have made it this far unscathed, open the closet door, exit the closet, and close the door again. Do not look; inside the closet.

9. In fact, don't look inside the closet ever again if you can help it - and especially not without all the lights on and burning brightly.

Additional Notes:

Some who have successfully completed the ritual say that strange things happen at night if you leave the closet door open. Again, it is not recommended that you look in the closet with the lights off... but if you do, you might see two points of light gleaming out of the darkness, glowing red like the tips of a pair of lit matches.

They might be eyes. But they might not. But they might.

If You Fail To Light The Match In Time:

Don't fail. You don't want to know what happens if you do.

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