The Ouija Board, The Portal and The Psychic

Horror Stories - The Ouija Board, The Portal and The Psychic
Me and my mother had just moved into a new semi-detached rented house with our dog. It was a good looking house and for the first three days we were up till early hours organising, assembling and unpacking. Those first three nights my mother had clothes hanging over her door, which meant she had been unable to close it when we both went to sleep, as a younger child I didn't like closing my door and always kept it open ajar.

On the fourth night after moving in we had assembled my mother wardrobe and were able to put all her clothes away, we headed to bed at about 12.45am, exhausted from the week. I got into bed and heard my mothers door close and her bed creak as she got in to retire. I was just on the verge of sleep when something yelled 'Woooo!' down my ear, I felt the air from the noise against neck and ear and was frozen with terror and now wide awake.

I finally managed to make myself move and ran from the room straight to my mums with tears in my eyes. At 12 I was quite a calm, happy child, who very rarely had bad dreams and for me to cry over a noise was very unusual. I told my mum about the noise and could see from her reaction that she had also heard something, she tried to give me the parent speech on how 'It was probably the pipes, and it's a new house you're just not used to.' all whilst trying to urge me to go back into the room. I made it very clear I was not going back into the room, which was also strange for me as 9 times out of 10 I did what I was told as a kid, she gave in too tired to argue and said I could sleep in her room.

The next day my uncle came to visit and we told him what had happened. My uncle was a skeptic at the time and brushed it off as us being both very tired from the move and said to prove nothing was going on he would sleep in the room that night. We followed the same pattern that we had done the night before, all shuffling upstairs to bed at 12.45. Me and Mum said goodnight to my uncle closed her bedroom door and we got into bed.*

My uncle is a guitarist and we could hear him gently doodling on the guitar next door, he had the light on and had left the door open slightly as I had done the night prior. My mother had just flicked the light off in her room when we heard what I can only describe as a howling choking sound, very loudly on the stair case that sounded three times. Even now remembering the noise brings tears to my eyes.

Because the noise was so audible my mother was certain it was uncle and was angry that he would try and scare me. We waited a moment before hearing my uncle next door very slowly creep across the landing to my mothers room, he knocked the door and we said to come in.

He had tears in his eyes and was very pale, he said in an accusing and scared voice 'Was that one of you? That wasn't funny if it was one of you.' I watched my mothers face pale as she said 'I thought it was you.' My uncle dragged my mattress out of my room that night and we all slept in my mothers room.

The following morning we knew something supernatural was going on, my mother had seen a psychic earlier that year and called her for help. She came that day with her friend to investigate the house. I should mention now that ever since we'd moved in we'd kept our dog in the kitchen, every night he would howl and scratch the door wanting to come upstairs. I had also felt sensations of being watched, from time to time.

We had also noticed that our neighbours had a son, who at first we thought dressed like a typical goth, however when unpacking some boxes from the van on the second day I had noticed that he wore a pendulum on his neck. With myself and my mother being interested in Wicca and Spiritualism I had no negative connotations to go with that symbol, however his character and family gave me a sense of unease, they never seemed rested when we saw them and moved out quickly after we moved in.

The psychic confirmed that there were spiritual presences in the house, she asked me if I had noticed a little girl as she was drawn to me and meant no harm, I said I'd felt being watched but that whoever yelled down my ear definitely wasn't trying to welcome me into the house. She said there was another presence, who was a very angered spirit and that we would need to conduct a circle in order for him to move on.

The four of us gathered in my room, the psychic poured sea salt all across the room apart from a circle left in the centre, she then began to burn sage. She ordered us to different positions and told us to hold hands, she said we were not to let go without being told so and that we may hear or see things whilst we try to get the presence to cross over.

I was feeling slightly skeptical at this point, even with interests in Wicca I was unsure how salt and holding hands was going to persuade a spirit to leave the house. She began calling on Archangel Michael and other angels the rooms temperature dropped noticeably and there was a sense of electricity in the air. The most unusual of all was that it felt like cold snakes were winding around our ankles. She told me I needed to let go of her friends hand who was on my left and assist the little girl to cross over, I did so and felt a coldness on my hand there was a rising sensation and I knew the girl had crossed over.

There was trouble in getting the angered spirit to cross over and twice he pretended to 'cross over' only to try and hide in another area of the room. The psychic told me and my mother to wait downstairs while her and her friend dealt with him. Whilst downstairs we heard them speaking and stamping on the ceiling. Eventually they managed to get him to cross over. After it was finished they told us that the man who had been haunting us had been a drug addict, his friend had locked him in a room to go 'cold turkey' and he had choked on his own vomit and died.

She explained that he was taking his anger out on us because he thought we were the ones who had locked him in the room. She said that the incident hadn't happened inside this house, but someone had been playing with portals, she eyed both me and my mother wearily but both of us looked completely blank.

She closed her eyes for a moment and then said, there was a boy next door, I believe he used some sort of Ouija board and created a portal in the wall leading to your bedroom by accident, this meant that any spirit could walk through the portal which acts as a door between the spirit plane and ours.

Me and my mother were completely lost for words, but everything she had said rung true and it matched with the haunting we had experienced. To this day I believe there is something more particularly because of this experience, since then I have never experienced something so strong or real and hope I never have to unless it is of a kind and true nature.

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