True Story The Girl Next Door

Horror Stories - True Story The Girl Next Door
The Girl Next Door is a true story about a girl who was being followed by a man who lived next door to her house. Hi, my name is Jessie and this is my story. It all started when I was 13 years old. I was the girl's neighbors. Like the other girls at my age, I went to school, doing homework, exercising and came out with my friends. I am very happy and freely, without the slightest worry about the world. I'm just a girl who just became an adult.

The house next door to us had been empty for several months, and then, in the spring a neighbor moved into it. He was then visit and talk to my mother and it seems he was a friendly man. He was said his name was Nick. He was was around the mid 30s, but he is not married and had no children. He was the type of person who enough quiet and did not say many words, but he's really good. He was even offered to do a yard work or things that can be fixed for us. Because of my father was not at home, there is much about our home that must be repaired, so my mom accepted his offer.

He really helped us. Several times, he came to do something when I was in the backyard and he always tries to start a conversation with me. I think it was very funny because he was so nervous and sweaty, also often mispronunciation. Then, one morning, just before I went to school, my mother took me aside and said, "I do not want you to talk with Nick again. If you see him outside and I was not at home, I want you to go home and lock the door."

When I asked why, mother is not answer me. What she said was, "I'm getting a feeling weird about it..."

I thought she was is just trying to protect exaggerated, but I always obey the words of my mother. That summer, me and my friends build up a fort in the woods behind our house. That is just a small cottage dilapidated and we built it with wood and a board that we find around.

One day, I coming home from school and found that someone had fix this and turn it into a nice cottage. The cottage have a window, door and everything. There is even a small mailbox in front of it with my name on it. Inside, there is a letter. When I opened it, I realized it was Nick.

"Dear Jessie," he wrote. "the stronghold looks really bad. I think I need to fix it for you. Hope you like it. I think it's great to see how we live side by side. Sincerely, Nick."

I think it's really cool so I immediately wrote a thank-you and put it into his mailbox. On the next day, there was another letter from Nick in the mailbox. The letter was very long and full of strange things. He was said wanted to be friends with me forever and can not wait until I was 18 so I could move in with him and we will live together. He was also said that my mom was crazy and trying to separate the two of us.

The most bizarre part was when he announced that he would not be hurting me and he will not let anyone hurt me. I can not think what he meant by that. Take some time for me to think and finished reading it all, when my mom arrived home from after work. He made me show it at her and when she had finished reading it, she said that letter made him shudder.

"The man is 34 years old what kind of writing such a letter to a 13-year-old girl?" She said.

She was immediately called police, and when the officers came to our house and read the letter, they told us that Nick just got out of prison. The next day he was arrested and they sent him back to prison. My mother told me that he was sentenced for two years. Shortly after that, my mom started getting some letters from Nick. Everything is about anger and obscenities. He kept asking my mom why she lied about it to the police and said that he knew that I loved him. When she showed the letters to the police, they gave him an additional year in prison. After that, we stopped to get a letter from him.

Time passed, I gradually forgot all about Nick and continue my life. Then, one day, I headed home from after school and when walking along the path, I saw him standing in his front yard, staring at me. I like getting a shocking blow so I can just ran into the house and slammed the door behind me. My heart is pounding and my body was shaking like a leaf blown.

That was the beginning of a nightmare. Every day, he began to notice my movements endlessly. Whenever I came out, he would be in his yard, just staring at me, with a strange smile on his face. It is a very bad feeling. Day and night, he had never seen removing his eyes at me.

Then, one morning, I found a teddy bear leaning on the footrest behind our house. There was my name on it. The police said that there was nothing they could do because we could not prove that Nick who left it there. I felt like a prisoner in my own home. I even crawl on the floor from room to room because they do not want he to catch a glimpse from me through the window. A few days later, I was driving to school. When just getting into the car, next I saw Nick sitting inside his truck, just staring at me. Just when I just drove up, he started following me. I do not know what he will do. I knew I had to escape.

I never felt very scared like this in my whole life. He kept following me and I was desperate to escape. I drove my car headed to grandmother's house. When I got there, he even still follow along that road, but when he saw grandma, he escaped. I'm really scared.

My mom reported this matter to police and they told me that it was an abuse in his probation. They finally arrested Nick and sent back to prison. But somehow, I knew it was not finished. I was the destination of his obsession and he would not stop to getting what he wanted.

I expect the best, but what happened next really shocked to disbelief. Mom got a phone call from the police saying that Nick had been out on bail. He immediately called me at school and apprise me that. I can not believe this. I really frightened until almost died. After all, I am the one who sends him back to prison. Now he will go berserk and I'm afraid he'll come to me.

We then left our house that day and never returned. For some time, we stayed in a hotel until could find another home. While we wait for that, we continued to flee. I really feel he will going to kill me. I was scared, really scared. If he does not find me. He will not kill me, so I need to stay in hiding.

Suddenly, Nick court decided to undergo two and a half years in prison. For all the scary things that are given to the mother and Me. When he came out, I aged 18 and I was afraid he will come to me again. I'm afraid he will never stop.

This experience changed me a lot. I'm not a little girl cheerfully and lucky that ever existed again. I can not trust anyone as before. I think I grew a little faster than anyone. I was the girl's neighbors. I've only ever lived next to a man who turns into a demon who was an undercover.

The scariest thing about this story is that this story is real. The girl's name is Jessie Cooper and the man are Nick Hamilton.

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