The Most Haunted Place in Singapore

Horror Stories - The Most Haunted Place in Singapore
Built in 1930 and located in netheravon Road in Changi, Singapore, Old Changi Hospital (OCH) has a long and varied history to make it as it is now. With a classic style building, OCH could be similar to the British colonial buildings in the early 1920s. Surprisingly OCH first built not for a hospital. During the British population over there. The place was chosen because it is located on the hilltop that can see the whole sea that are below and stretches from the east to the south of the island. Is approximately 10 years before the war, a classic building with a height up to the 7th floor was used as a barracks and living quarters for British soldiers.

Did not take long OCH converted into a military hospital to treat the soldiers and the residents were injured. The place later became a military specialty general hospital on the floor three. Since February 1997 after that, OCH is closed to operate. The place was is closed and left uninhabited. OCH will stay like that until the camp was reopened into the Army or Training of Officer Cadet School (OCS).

Despite a long history attached to this building, the stories of the building is haunted by a ghost has been started since the 1940s. The hospital itself has more than 70 years has a long history of World War II, which lasted from 1942 to 1945. Because of that, the appearance of the ghost of several races and the different descendant is commonly seen wandering around this place. 

Haunted Ward

One of the most haunted places in the Changi Hospital is commonly called the The Haunted Wards. The wards and the room was never closed. The style of the building is made easily flows the airways that do not require temperature control but just need the fan in the ceiling. This ward has now been left empty unless the remaining are just some of the stuff such as fans, washbasin, and some of its equipment on the floor.

Is said, some of the ghost sightings are in this room. The soldiers who were bandaged or patients suffering from illness often seen in this classroom along with the sounds of their moans. A ghost doctors and a nurse who wore of white is still often seen pacing in the ward. Not surprisingly these become haunted rooms, because many of the patients breathed of their last are here.

Torture Chamber

Another place that mystery is a regular room called the Hall of Torture. Many believe that this place is the scariest place in OCH after the morgue. Among the rooms and the wards, you will find a different room to the others. Concretised its walls with a thick and unpainted. Far away into it you will find a structure that appears to have been used to secure something tightly.

One of the marks is scary is iron chains which one end blend together well in the wall. The chain seems to be strong enough to bind a tiger. And also, you can look at the traces of blood were still on the floor. It was horrible . This room are located in a prison but not to a hospital. And do not forget that this place was used as a military hospital by the Japanese. There are many events that are not recorded who said during the war took a lot of those "influence" detained at OCH. Most of them were never seen again, and they are believed been tortured and killed in there.

Underground Bunker

An underground bunker rumor also raises the OCH mysteries. The Rumor said that OCH has the a basement that is connected near the army barracks to the bottom of the hill which is outside. Of some point and the places in OCH justifying this rumor is true. The first point is a major lift therein, it has the button for the elevator down to the basement, but is now no longer work. On the second point and the third is a mound near the stairs that seemed of cement covered with a rush and a door at the threshold of this building are closed tightly. Some clues that this is linked to the existence of the underground bunker rumor.

Of more than 70 years of historic pre-war population of England until after the Japanese population, unimaginable what secrets there are embedded below. The entrance suspected the underground bunker was covered well at the base of the floor and no one ever opened it. OCH on the right side of the building there is a small room that can be used and looked out, from there found a chimney which allegedly also connected to the bunker. these chimney seemed be a person used to enter and exit through the chimney but it was like a tunnel with no end of. No one knows the extent to which its end and what is in it.


The most frightening thing is the rooms of mortuary. Many people who have visited the hospital rooms wondering where of its mortuary. Although it has been around the entire building from top to bottom, from one floor to another, and each and every corner of the building OCH, they still could not find it. The mortuary is not located in the main building of this building but in a small house made from the wood in the western end of the area OCH. There is a small street that connects to it over the hills. Many people did not realize it. According to the one of the guards there is nothing in place it is, the room was empty.

But that does not mean the story end there. According to the security guard of the building was very haunted. The ghosts of the dead are commonly seen roaming on certain days such as Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Usually they revealed the figure spirits backs to them, if you want to see his face, the figure would be tried to avoid. The doors slammed, and the screams of the woman in the middle of the night is a common thing for him.

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