Creepy Story La Mala Hora

Horror Stories - Creepy Story La Mala Hora
La Mala Hora is a creepy story from the folklore of Mexico. The name means the Spirit of the Evil. La Mala Hora, also known as La Malora or La Malorga. La Mala Hora said to be a figure of evil spirit or a demon that roamed the streets of the town were deserted and attack those who was there alone. He usually skulk in the darkness on the edge of the road, while waiting for the people who passed on the path it without suspicion. According to people, La Mala Hora even more frightening from the the demons who ever existed.

Initially he appeared in the form of a black, large and kept moving. He also can vary the shape from the small to larger, in a short time. Said his form was like a glimpse of black or a black ball were great.

If you accidentally looked into his eyes, it will make you crazy. Because he will make you not able to move as if hypnotized. When he attacked, he will be hurtling toward you, wrap and make you breathless with his form. The next day, your body will be found on the roadside with lifeless. On another occasion, La Mala Hora will be transformed into an old woman or a witch, which is commonly identified with evil spirits. She appeared wearing a black clothes, with long hair and unkempt. She was like a ghost haunting and floated because her feet did not touch the ground. People in Mexico said she usually appears in the form of a man, but when she does, it means she is spreading the curse of death. If you met him on the street, it means that you or someone you know will die.

Usually when you ask about this demon, people in Mexico are reluctant to tell and simply replied, "Es cosa mala" (That's something wicked). A story, there is a woman who has a husband who was out of town because of work. One night, the woman decided to go out with her friend in Santa Fe. It was past at midnight when she left her home and was driving on the streets that is deserted and silent. After a while driving, she arrived in a small downtown street when suddenly a dark shadow appeared in front of her car. The woman cried out in surprise and stepped on the brake pedal with alacrity, dragging the car down to a bus stops.

When she turned to see what was passing before, the dark figure was gone. For a moment, the woman tried to regulate her breathing to calm down. But when she was accidentally turned to the right, she was saw something that almost made him a heart attack. Right beside the window, an old woman with the a scary face staring at him. Her face was like the devil, with the red eyes and teeth were awful. The spooky woman began clawing at the window, trying to break the glass.

Frightened, the woman then immediately drove up and drove away from there. For a few moments at the time, she was also running alongside the car and still clawing at the window. The car was faster and a frightening figure was eventually left behind. The last thing she saw the figure was getting bigger and bigger, as large as a tree.

When she finally arrived at her friend's house, she ran inside and locked the door. The woman was then described what she saw during the street.

"It was definitely La Mala Hora!" said her friend. "The Spirit of Evil. Said she only showed himself on the edge of the road to the people who will soon die "

The woman was then controlled by fear. She could not sleep, even closed her eyes that night. Awaiting until morning, she went back returned to her home. She convinces herself for not passing the streets again, afraid of a creepy old woman reappeared before him. When she arrived at her house, she found a police car was parked in front of her. The police then approached her, asked her name and tell him the bad news. Her husband had been attacked on the way back to his hotel in the previous night. He was shot in the head and died instantly. It happened at the midnight.

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