A Spell of The Devil

Horror Stories - A Spell of The Devil
A spell of the Devil is a horror story from the Czech Republic. About a girl who finds an old book that is associated with devil worship and witchcraft. When they are tried to read one of the spell, and then a few things be horrible. One night, a girl named Anezka pick up the phone and call her best friend, Klaudie.

"My father and mother get out tonight," said Anezka. "Could you come around 10 o'clock?"
"Of course," replied Klaudie. "I'll take the book a while. Bye!"

Anezka hung up and went to her room to prepare something for that night. Those two girls were planning something very dangerous. They both have always been interested in black magic and all its rituals. A few days earlier, Klaudie accidentally find something very interesting in the trash. A book is big and heavy, covered with leather and contains many pages inscribed with ancient letters.

It was not an ordinary book. The book contains the commands for the worship of the devil, strange rituals, and instructions to cast the black magic. For Anezka and Klaudie, the idea to cast some spells very interesting. They could not wait to try it. When Klaudie find the book, the two girls decided to follow the instructions and try to invite the devil comes in their rituals.

Shortly after her parents left the house that night, Claudie arrived. It was a few minutes past ten o'clock, and the two girls immediately go up to the stairs leading into the room. They tremble with delight but quite be cautious. Follow all instructions in the book, they shut the window and pulled back the curtain so the entire room it was completely dark. In the middle of her bedroom, Aneka has set up a small wooden table. There, she put a small candle that has been lit, and Klaudie placed the book on the table. The two girls then sit facing each other and holding hands with each other. Looking at the book, they are began to read together.

"In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Excelsa Lucifer! In the name of devil, the ruler of the earth, the King from the world, who ordered the soldiers to hell, we ask you to provide the power of darkness in our hands! Open wide Hells Gate and came from a deep place to meet us as a friend and brother!"

Gust of air and then comes in the middle of the room and the two girls began to worry as she continued,

"Give us the strength we are looking for! Give us the pleasure that our wanted! Obey all the deeds and a dream make it happen! We ask in your name and ask for showing yourself! Oh the Prince of Darkness! Listen to our complaints!"

More strong gusts of wind filled the room, even though all the windows had been closed. Klaudi trembling. She tried to remove her friend hand, but Anezka gripped her and continued reading.

"With all the devil in hell, we ask that all we mentioned earlier in order to be realized!"

Small wind started blowing the pages in the book to expose itself. Klaudie release her grip from the clutches of Anezka. And just when the wind stops blowing and the book was immediately slammed shut.

"It is outrageous, Anezka!" Klaudie crying, "I'm going home. I'm afraid. I do not like this anymore! "

"I'm scared, Klaudie!" Anezka replied, "But is not this what we want ... What's our plan? After all, it worked. If you do not pull your hand, we probably managed to get a reply."

"I do not want to do this again!" Claudie whimper. "It was all interesting only in theory, but I do not believe this kind of thing really exists. I had a bad feeling about this. I am home. It is finished, Bye Anezka. See you tomorrow."

"And what about the book?" Asked Anezka.
"You can keep it," said Klaudie. "I do not want it anymore."

Klaudie took her coat and walked down the stairs to the exit. Anezka followed him, begging him to stay, but she refused. She actually did not go far, just cross a street, past the pool and she had arrived home.

Anezka then said goodbye and closed the door. Then, she stepped slowly toward her room. Turn on the lights and blow out the candle. She opened the blinds and put the demon books beside her bed. Lie down and looked at the clock on the wall. Clock show at 11. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Klaudie rush up to her house. When she went through the pond, she felt something behind him skulking. No one was there, but she felt like she was being watched from a distance. Frightened, she shouted as she ran.

That night, dream of Anezka very strange things. She saw Klaudie lying in a ditch which is near the pool. Her head resting with strange angles, and looks to have some bruising around her neck.

Anezka woke up in a panic, she shouted for her father. Her father ran to her bedroom and tried to calm himself.

"Calm down, my son," her father said in a soft voice. "Just a bad dream. Go back to sleep. In the morning, you'll forget all about it."
"Please, dad," she cried. "Can I sleep with you tonight? I do not want to be alone. Please..."
"Ok, well ... here," answered her father while holding Anezka in her arms and hugged him tightly. Anezka looked at the clock on the wall. Was almost two o'clock morning.

A short time later, the telephone rang. Anezka raised and heard a faint voice from the end of the handle.

It Klaudie.

"Be careful Anezka. Be very careful, or what I'm naturally going to happen to you too..."
That was all she heard before the connection was cut off.
"Klaudie!" she screaming. "Klaudie!"
"Quiet, Anezka," her father said. "What happened?"
"Do not know, dad. I do not know, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid of my life."

Anezka began controlled by the extreme fear and crying hysterically.

"Do not worry," replied her father while caressed her back. "Everything will be fine tomorrow. Go sleep."

He brought Anezka to his bed, and the girl was lying between her father and mother. Soon, she was asleep. In the morning, awakened by the cries of his wife. Opened his eyes, he was gasped frightened to see his daughter lying limp at his side. Anezka body have been rigidly and around her neck was blue and black. She suffocated. Her father started screaming and crying.

A few hours later, the body Klaudie also found in a ditch near a pond. She also suffocated. Police suspect that time of death at around 11:15 last night.

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